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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (14001-14050 of 18124):
- Rhetoric of Dreams, TheAuthor: StatesPublisher: States ©2021ISBN: 9783642460494
- Rhetoric of Empire, TheAuthor: YoungPublisher: Young ©2021ISBN: 9780674434882
- Rhetoric of Empire, TheAuthor: SpurrPublisher: Spurr ©2021ISBN: 9780822313175
- Rhetoric of English India, TheAuthor: Suleri GoodyearPublisher: Suleri Goodyear ©2020ISBN: 9783540255536
- Rhetoric of Error from Locke to Kleist, TheAuthor: SngPublisher: Sng ©2021ISBN: 97814951482003 Consecutive User Seats
- Rhetoric of Immediacy, TheAuthor: FaurePublisher: Faure ©2021ISBN: 9780854048397
- Rhetoric of Immediacy, TheAuthor: FaurePublisher: Faure ©2021ISBN: 97808540483971 Concurrent User
- Rhetoric of Intention in Human Affairs, TheAuthor: Woodward, Gary C.Publisher: Woodward, Gary C. ©2018ISBN: 9781498516150
- Rhetoric of Interruption, TheAuthor: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2021ISBN: 9783110296426
- Rhetoric of Leviathan, TheAuthor: WangPublisher: Wang ©2021ISBN: 9781461492863
- Rhetoric of Manhood, TheAuthor: RoismanPublisher: Roisman ©2020ISBN: 9783111129853
- Rhetoric of Moral Protest, TheAuthor: LahusenPublisher: Lahusen ©2021ISBN: 97831101509332 Concurrent Users
- Rhetoric of Plato's Republic, TheAuthor: KastelyPublisher: Kastely ©2020ISBN: 97807503419741 Concurrent User
- Rhetoric of Pregnancy, TheAuthor: SeigelPublisher: Seigel ©2020ISBN: 9780226071916
- Rhetoric of Remediation, TheAuthor: Stanley, JanePublisher: Stanley, Jane ©2018ISBN: 9780822943860
- Rhetoric of Remembrance, TheAuthor: HwangPublisher: Hwang ©2021ISBN: 9783319061474
- Rhetoric of Seeing in Attic Forensic Oratory, TheAuthor: O'ConnellPublisher: O'Connell ©2021ISBN: 9783319030975
- Rhetoric of Sincerity, TheAuthor: Coussot, PhilippePublisher: Coussot, Philippe ©2022ISBN: 9782759807598Unlimited Users
- Rhetoric of Terror, TheAuthor: RedfieldPublisher: Redfield ©2021ISBN: 9780823231232
- Rhetoric of Unity and Division in Ancient Literature, TheAuthor: RaoPublisher: Rao ©2021ISBN: 9783110609790
- Rhetoric of Valéry's Prose Aubades, TheAuthor: FranklinPublisher: Franklin ©2020ISBN: 9789401161404
- Rhetoric of Violence and Sacrifice in Fascist Italy, TheAuthor: FerrariPublisher: Ferrari ©2020ISBN: 9783598719356
- Rhetoric vs. Reality : What We Know and What We Need To Know About Vouchers and Charter SchoolsAuthor: Timpane, Michael;Brewer, Dominic;Gill, Brian;Ross, Karen E.Publisher: Timpane, Michael;Brewer, Dominic;Gill, Brian;Ross, Karen E. ©2018ISBN: 97808330276581 Concurrent User
- Rhetoric, IncAuthor: JohnsonPublisher: Johnson ©2021ISBN: 9780521824705
- Rhetoric, Modality, ModernityAuthor: StrueverPublisher: Struever ©2020ISBN: 9780226777481
- Rhetoric, Politics and Popularity in Pre-Revolutionary EnglandAuthor: PeltonenPublisher: Peltonen ©2018ISBN: 9781107028296
- Rhetoric, Remembrance, and Visual Form : Sighting MemoryAuthor: Demo, Anne;Vivian, BradfordPublisher: Demo, Anne;Vivian, Bradford ©2018ISBN: 9780415895538
- Rhetoric, Romance, and TechnologyAuthor: OngPublisher: Ong ©2020ISBN: 9780801478475
- Rhetoric, Romance, and TechnologyAuthor: OngPublisher: Ong ©2020ISBN: 97814951482001 Concurrent User
- Rhetoric, the Bible, and the origins of free verseAuthor: KohlPublisher: Kohl ©2019ISBN: 97831101199921 Concurrent User
- Rhetorica ad HerenniumAuthor: Asghar GhoriPublisher: Asghar Ghori ©2021ISBN: 9783050055428
- Rhetorica divinaAuthor: LutzPublisher: Lutz ©2019ISBN: 97831100988151 Concurrent User
- Rhetorica Et PoeticaAuthor: AristotelisPublisher: Aristotelis ©2021ISBN: 97831124134701 Concurrent User
- Rhetorical Accessability : At the Intersection of Technical Communication and Disability StudiesAuthor: Meloncon, LisaPublisher: Meloncon, Lisa ©2018ISBN: 97808950378931 Concurrent User
- Rhetorical Arts in Late Antique and Early Medieval Ireland, TheAuthor: StonePublisher: Stone ©2022ISBN: 9789462984455Unlimited Users
- Rhetorical Citizenship and Public DeliberationAuthor: BrummerPublisher: Brummer ©2021ISBN: 9783540255536
- Rhetorical Darwinism : Religion, Evolution, and the Scientific IdentityAuthor: Lessl, Thomas M.Publisher: Lessl, Thomas M. ©2018ISBN: 9781602584037Unlimited Users
- Rhetorical Emergence of Culture, TheAuthor: PfeifferPublisher: Pfeiffer ©2022ISBN: 9780857451125
- Rhetorical Form of Carlyle’s Sartor Resartus, TheAuthor: BrookesPublisher: Brookes ©2021ISBN: 9781607839811
- Rhetorical Invention and Religious InquiryAuthor: MurrayPublisher: Murray ©2020ISBN: 9789812874139
- Rhetorical MemoryAuthor: WhittemorePublisher: Whittemore ©2020ISBN: 97802319265461 Concurrent User
- Rhetorical MindsAuthor: OakleyPublisher: Oakley ©2022ISBN: 9780750315432Unlimited Users
- Rhetorical MindsAuthor: OakleyPublisher: Oakley ©2022ISBN: 9783319099231
- Rhetorical Perspectives on Argumentation, vol. 24Author: ZarefskyPublisher: Zarefsky ©2016ISBN: 9783319054841
- Rhetorical PowerAuthor: MaillouxPublisher: Mailloux ©2020ISBN: 97808093331965 Concurrent Users
- Rhetorical Presidency, TheAuthor: KeglPublisher: Kegl ©2021ISBN: 9780128138366
- Rhetorical RenaissanceAuthor: EdenPublisher: Eden ©2023ISBN: 9781118967423
- Rhetorical RenaissanceAuthor: EdenPublisher: Eden ©2023ISBN: 97802268212523 Consecutive User Seats
- Rhetorical Rise and Demise of “Democracy” in Russian Political Discourse, Vol I, TheAuthor: WilliamsPublisher: Williams ©2022ISBN: 9781461492290
- Rhetorical Rise and Demise of “Democracy” in Russian Political Discourse, Volume 2, TheAuthor: WilliamsPublisher: Williams ©2022ISBN: 97816446965071 Concurrent User