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Showing books starting with the letter T (4951-5000 of 17774):
- The national challenge in computer science and technology
- The National Children's Study 2014 : an assessment
- The National Children's Study Research Plan: a review
- The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program at twenty-five years: accomplishments and challenges : summary of a workshop, February 20, 2003, Washington, DC : a summary to the Disasters Roundtable
- The National energy modeling system
- The National Geomagnetic Initiative
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's rating system for rollover resistance: an assessment
- The National Plant Genome Initiative: objectives for 2003-2008
- The National Research Council's Committee on Toxicology : the first 50 years 1947-1997
- The National Scholars Program: excellence with diversity for the future : program design
- The National Scholars Program: excellence with diversity for the future : summary
- The National Science Foundation's Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers program: looking back, moving forward
- The nature and role of algebra in the K-14 curriculum: proceedings of a national symposium May 27 and 28, 1997
- The Navy and Marine Corps in regional conflict in the 21st century
- The Neurosurgical Instrument Guide
- The new Americans: economic, demographic, and fiscal effects of immigration
- the New Arab Media : Technology, Image and Perception, The
- The New engineering research centers: purposes, goals, and expectations
- The new global ecosystem in advanced computing: implications for U.S. competitiveness and national security
- The new health care for profit: doctors and hospitals in a competitive environment
- The New Orleans hurricane protection system: assessing pre-Katrina vulnerability and improving mitigation and preparedness
- The new profile of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Russia: a global and local perspective : summary of a joint workshop by the Institute of Medicine and the Russian Academy of Medical Science
- The new science of metagenomics: revealing the secrets of our microbial planet
- The New Year's Eve flood on Oahu, Hawaii, December 31, 1987-January 1, 1988
- The nexus of biofuels, climate change, and human health : workshop summary
- The Nose - Revision and Reconstruction
- The Nuclear weapons complex: management for health, safety, and the environment
- The ocean's role in global change: progress of major research programs
- The Ocular Fundus
- The offshoring of engineering: facts, unknowns, and potential implications
- The Oil Spill Recovery Institute: past, present, and future directions
- The ongoing challenge of managing carbon monoxide pollution in Fairbanks, Alaska: interim report
- The only EKG book you'll ever need
- The Only EKG BOOK You'll Ever Need, 10e
- The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need, 8e
- The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need, 8e
- The organization and activities of the Committee on Scientific Research of the State Council of Defense of California
- The outlook for science and technology, 1985
- The owner's role in project risk management
- The Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing: year 2000 progress assessment of the PATH program
- The past half century of engineering-- and a look forward : summary of a forum
- The path to the Ph. D: measuring graduate attrition in the sciences and humanities
- The Patient History: An Evidence-Based Approach to Differential Diagnosis, 2e
- The Patient History: An Evidence-Based Approach to Differential Diagnosis, 2e Quiz
- The Patient-Practitioner Relationship in Acupuncture
- The Pediatric Diagnostic Examination
- The Pelvic Floor
- The Persistence of the Sacred
- The personal protective technology program at NIOSH: reviews of research programs of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- The pervasive role of science, technology, and health in foreign policy: imperatives for the Department of State