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Showing books starting with the letter T (4901-4950 of 17774):
- The impact of genetically engineered crops on farm sustainability in the United States
- The impact of globalization on infectious disease emergence and control: exploring the consequences and opportunities : workshop summary
- The impact of low-level radioactive waste management policy on biomedical research in the United States
- The impact of selling the federal helium reserve
- The impact of war on child health in the countries of the former Yugoslavia: Institute of Medicine in collaboration with the Office of International Affairs, National Research Council.
- The impacts of natural disasters: a framework for loss estimation
- The impacts of the Affordable Care Act on preparedness resources and programs: : workshop summary
- The importance of common metrics for advancing social science theory and research: a workshop summary
- The importance of engineering talent to the prosperity and security of the nation : summary of a forum
- The Indian Ocean tsunami disaster: implications for U.S. and global disaster reduction and preparedness : summary of the June 21, 2005 workshop of the Disasters Roundtable
- The Industrial green game: implications for environmental design and management
- The infectious etiology of chronic diseases: defining the relationship, enhancing the research, and mitigating the effects : workshop summary
- The influence of global environmental change on infectious disease dynamics : workshop summary
- The Infographic Guide to Medicine
- The informed brain in a digital world : interdisciplinary team summaries : conference, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, Irvine, California, November 15-17, 2012
- The Innovator's Prescription: A Disruptive Solution for Health Care
- The interface of three areas of computer science with the mathematical sciences: summary of a workshop
- The Internationalization of U.S. manufacturing: causes and consequences
- The Internet under crisis conditions: learning from September 11
- The Internet's coming of age
- The Joys of Pediatrics
- The knowledge economy and postsecondary education: report of a workshop
- The Law of Refugee Status [2nd ed.]
- The lessons and the legacy of the Pew Health Policy Program
- The life sciences: recent progress and application to human affairs, the world of biological research, requirements for the future
- The limits of organic life in planetary systems
- The Lumbar Intervertebral Disc
- The management and cost of laboratory waste associated with the conduct of research : report of a workshop
- The March 5, 1987, Ecuador earthquakes: mass wasting and socioeconomic effects
- The marine transportation system and the federal role: measuring performance, targeting improvement
- The Markey Scholars Conference: proceedings
- The mathematical sciences in 2025
- The mathematical sciences' role in homeland security: proceedings of a workshop
- The mathematical sciences: a report
- The Maxillary Sinus
- The measure of STAR: review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Science to Achieve Results (STAR) research grants program
- The Medical Follow-up Agency: the first fifty years, 1946-1996
- The Medical implications of nuclear war
- The mental health and substance use workforce for older adults : in whose hands?
- The meteorological buoy and Coastal Marine Automated Network for the United States
- The mission of microgravity and physical sciences research at NASA
- The Missouri River ecosystem: exploring the prospects for recovery
- The Mono Basin ecosystem: effects of changing lake level
- The Myrna Mack case: an update
- The nation's physician workforce: options for balancing supply and requirements
- The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative: complex systems : task group summaries.
- The National Academies Summit on America's Energy Future: summary of a meeting
- The National Academies' guidelines for human embryonic stem cell research
- The National Academy of Sciences: the first hundred years, 1863-1963
- The national cancer policy summit: opportunities and challenges in cancer research and care