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Showing books starting with the letter V (601-650 of 6163):
- Variable message signing ; carriageway marking ; preserving the infrastructure ; effective road maintenance
- Variable Objects
- Variable Ordering Structures in Vector Optimization
- Variable Phase Approach to Potential Scattering, vol. 35
- Variable Plants and Herbivores in Natural and Managed Systems
- Variable Renewable Energy and the Electricity Grid
- Variable Speed AC Drives with Inverter Output Filters
- Variable Speed Generators
- Variable Speed Pumping
- Variable Speed Pumping : A Guide to Successful Applications
- Variable Stars as Essential Astrophysical Tools, vol. 544
- Variable Stars in Globular Clusters and in Related Systems, vol. 36
- Variable Structure and Lyapunov Control, vol. 193
- Variable Structure Systems with Application to Economics and Biology, vol. 111
- Variable structure systems, sliding mode and nonlinear control, vol. 247
- Variable Structure Systems: Towards the 21st Century, vol. 274
- Variable-length Codes for Data Compression
- Variables
- Variables Related to Human Breast Cancer
- Variación léxica y diccionario: los arcaísmos en el diccionario de la Academia
- Variación lingüística y contacto de lenguas en el mundo hispánico
- Variación sintáctica en español
- Variación y cambio lingüístico en situaciones de contacto
- Variación yeísta en el mundo hispánico
- Variaciones sobre el teatro latinoamericano: Tendencias y perspectivas
- Variae Lectiones Veteris Testamenti
- Variae Lectiones Veteris Testamenti
- Variae Lectiones Veteris Testamenti
- Variae, The
- Variance in Arabic Manuscripts
- Variance-Constrained Multi-Objective Stochastic Control and Filtering
- Variant Haemoglobins : A Guide to Identification
- Variant Sexuality : Research and Theory
- Varianten - Variants - Variantes
- Varianten der Pronominaladverbien im Neuhochdeutschen
- Variantenwörterbuch des Deutschen
- Variantenwörterbuch des Deutschen
- Variants of Evolutionary Algorithms for Real-World Applications
- Variants of Ventricular Preexcitation : Recognition and Treatment
- Varianzanalyse
- Varianzanalyse
- Variation
- Variation : A Central Concept in Biology
- Variation and Adaptive Expression of Antibodies, The
- Variation and Change
- Variation and Convergence
- Variation and Evolution in Plants
- Variation and Evolution in Plants and Microorganisms : Toward a New Synthesis 50 Years after Stebbins
- Variation and evolution in plants and microorganisms: toward a new synthesis 50 years after Stebbins
- Variation and Gradience in Phonetics and Phonology