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Showing books starting with the letter V (651-700 of 6163):
- Variation Aware Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuit Design in Emerging Multi-Gate CMOS Technologies, vol. 28
- Variation et optimisation de formes, vol. 48
- Variation im Deutschen
- Variation im europäischen Kontrast
- Variation im städtischen Raum
- Variation in Chemical Composition of the Nervous System
- Variation in health care spending : target decision making, not geography
- Variation in Health Care Spending : Target Decision Making, Not Geography
- Variation in Indonesian Sign Language
- Variation in Language: System- and Usage-based Approaches
- Variation in Metonymy
- Variation in the Input, vol. 39
- Variation in Time and Space
- Variation in Working Memory
- Variation in Working Memory
- Variation Method in Quantum Chemistry, The, vol. 33
- Variation Principle in Informational Macrodynamics, vol. 736
- Variation Theory of Comparative Literature, The
- Variation Tolerant On-Chip Interconnects
- Variation und Wandel
- Variation – Derivation – Imitation
- Variation – Normen – Identitäten
- Variation, Selection, Development
- Variation-Aware Adaptive Voltage Scaling for Digital CMOS Circuits, vol. 41
- Variation-Aware Analog Structural Synthesis
- Variation-Aware Design of Custom Integrated Circuits: A Hands-on Field Guide
- Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering, vol. 33
- Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering: Mathematical Challenges for Aerospace Design, vol. 66
- Variational Analysis and Applications, vol. 79
- Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation II, vol. 331
- Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation in Optimization and Control, vol. 47
- Variational Analysis, vol. 317
- Variational and Extremum Principles in Macroscopic Systems
- Variational and Finite Element Methods
- Variational and Free Boundary Problems, vol. 53
- Variational and Hamiltonian Control Systems, vol. 101
- Variational and Level Set Methods in Image Segmentation, vol. 5
- Variational and Potential Methods for a Class of Linear Hyperbolic Evolutionary Processes
- Variational and Quasi-Variational Inequalities in Mechanics, vol. 147
- Variational and Topological Methods in the Study of Nonlinear Phenomena
- Variational and Topological Methods in the Study of Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 49
- Variational Bayes Method in Signal Processing, The
- Variational Calculus and Optimal Control
- Variational Calculus with Elementary Convexity
- Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications, vol. 124
- Variational Inequalities and Flow in Porous Media, vol. 52
- Variational Inequalities and Frictional Contact Problems, vol. 31
- Variational Inequalities with Applications, vol. 18
- Variational Methods
- Variational Methods