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Showing books starting with the letter V (201-250 of 6163):
- Valorization of Agri-Food Wastes and By-Products
- Valorization of Biomass to Bioproducts
- Valorization of Biomass to Bioproducts
- Valorization of Food Processing By-Products
- Valorization of Fruit Processing By-products
- Valorization of Fruit Seed Waste from Food Processing Industry
- Valorization of Microalgal Biomass and Wastewater Treatment
- Valorization of Wastes for Sustainable Development
- Valorization of Wastes/by-products in the Design of Functional Foods/Supplements, vol. 107
- Valorizing the Barbarians
- Valorizing the Barbarians
- Valour and the Horror Revisited
- Valproate
- Valuable Content Marketing: How to Make Quality Content Your Key to Success, 2nd Edition
- Valuable Content Marketing: Why Quality Content Is Key to Business Success
- Valuable Office Professional: For Administrative Assistants, Office Managers, Secretaries, and Other Support Staff, The
- Valuation
- Valuation
- Valuation and Conservation of Biodiversity
- Valuation in Life Sciences
- Valuation in Life Sciences
- Valuation in Life Sciences
- Valuation Methods and Policy Making in Environmental Economics, Selected and integrated papers from the Congress “Environmental Policy in a Market Economy”, vol. 36
- Valuation Methods and Shareholder Value Creation
- Valuation of Convertible Bonds when Investors Act Strategically, vol. 110
- Valuation of Intangible Assets, The
- Valuation of Internet and Technology Stocks
- Valuation of Network Effects in Software Markets
- Valuation of Regulating Services of Ecosystems : Methodology and Applications
- Valuation of the Liability Structure by Real Options, Volume 5
- Valuation Theory
- Valuation, Hedging and Speculation in Competitive Electricity Markets
- Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 7th edition
- Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, Third Edition
- Valuations of Skew Fields and Projective Hjelmslev Spaces, vol. 1175
- Value Addition of Horticultural Crops: Recent Trends and Future Directions
- Value Analysis and Engineering Reengineered: The Blueprint for Achieving Operational Excellence and Developing Problem Solvers and Innovators
- Value and Economy of Marine Resources
- Value and Income
- Value and Values
- Value and Waste in Lean Construction
- Value at Risk and Bank Capital Management
- Value Based Health Care: Linking Finance and Quality
- Value Based Management: The Corporate Response to the Shareholder Revolution
- Value by Design : Developing Clinical Microsystems to Achieve Organizational Excellence
- Value by Design : Developing Clinical Microsystems to Achieve Organizational Excellence
- Value Chain Management in the Chemical Industry
- Value Chain Marketing
- Value Chain Network: Unlocking Organizational Excellence through Effective Operating Models, The
- Value Chain of Foreign Aid, The