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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter V (351-400 of 6163):
- Value-Based EngineeringAuthor: SpiekermannPublisher: Spiekermann ©2023ISBN: 9783110793369
- Value-Based EngineeringAuthor: SpiekermannPublisher: Spiekermann ©2023ISBN: 9783110793369
- Value-Based Fees: How to Charge What You're Worth and Get What You Charge, 3rd EditionAuthor: Alan WeissPublisher: Alan Weiss ©2022ISBN: 9781119776925
- Value-based Human Resource Strategy: Developing Your Consultancy RoleAuthor: Tony Grundy,Laura BrownPublisher: Tony Grundy,Laura Brown ©2019ISBN: 9780750657693This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
- Value-Based Management in GovernmentAuthor: Douglas W. Webster,Gary CokinsPublisher: Douglas W. Webster,Gary Cokins ©2021ISBN: 9781119658672This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
- Value-Based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and Shareholder ValueAuthor: Peter DoylePublisher: Peter Doyle ©2019ISBN: 9780471877271
- Value-Based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and Shareholder Value, Second EditionAuthor: Peter DoylePublisher: Peter Doyle ©2019ISBN: 9780470773147
- Value-Based Metrics for Improving Results: An Enterprise Project Management ToolkitAuthor: Mel Schnapper,Steven RollinsPublisher: Mel Schnapper,Steven Rollins ©2019ISBN: 9781932159257
- Value-Based Planning for Teams of Agents in Stochastic Partially Observable EnvironmentsAuthor: Oliehoek, FransPublisher: Oliehoek, Frans ©2018ISBN: 9789056296100
- Value-Based Software EngineeringAuthor: Faustman, DenisePublisher: Faustman, Denise ©2016ISBN: 9783540259930
- Value-Centered Ethics: A Proactive System to Shape Ethical BehaviorAuthor: Charles KernsPublisher: Charles Kerns ©2019ISBN: 97808742580661 Concurrent User
- Value-Chain of BiofuelsAuthor: ZhengPublisher: Zheng ©2021ISBN: 9783642129087
- Value-Chain of BiofuelsAuthor: HintzePublisher: Hintze ©2021ISBN: 97833191137531 Concurrent User
- Value-Creating Boards: Challenges for Future Practice and ResearchAuthor: Morten HusePublisher: Morten Huse ©2019ISBN: 9781108463911
- Value-Creating Consultant: How to Build and Sustain Lasting Client Relationships, TheAuthor: Ron A. Carucci,Toby J. TetenbaumPublisher: Ron A. Carucci,Toby J. Tetenbaum ©2019ISBN: 97808144050241 Concurrent User
- Value-Distribution of L-Functions, vol. 1877Author: SteudingPublisher: Steuding ©2016ISBN: 9783540265269
- Value-Driven Business Process Management: The Value-Switch for Lasting Competitive AdvantageAuthor: Peter Franz,Mathias KirchmerPublisher: Peter Franz,Mathias Kirchmer ©2019ISBN: 9780071791717
- Value-Driven Data: Identifying, Communicating and Delivering Effective Business Solutions with DataAuthor: Edosa OdaroPublisher: Edosa Odaro ©2023ISBN: 9781398608634
- Value-Driven IT ManagementAuthor: Iain AitkenPublisher: Iain Aitken ©2020ISBN: 97807506592535 Concurrent Users
- Value-Driven Project ManagementAuthor: Harold Kerzner,Frank P. SaladisPublisher: Harold Kerzner,Frank P. Saladis ©2019ISBN: 9780470500804
- Value-Focused Business Process Engineering : a Systems Approach, vol. 19Author: NeigerPublisher: Neiger ©2016ISBN: 9780387095202
- Value-Free Science : Ideals and Illusions?Author: Kincaid, Harold;Dupre, John;Wylie, AlisonPublisher: Kincaid, Harold;Dupre, John;Wylie, Alison ©2018ISBN: 9780195308969
- Value-Ology: Aligning Sales and Marketing to Shape and Deliver Profitable Customer Value PropositionsAuthor: Simon Kelly,Paul Johnston,Stacey DanheiserPublisher: Simon Kelly,Paul Johnston,Stacey Danheiser ©2021ISBN: 9783319456256
- Value-Oriented Media Management: Decision Making Between Profit and ResponsibilityAuthor: Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen,C. Ann Hollifield,Joost van LoonPublisher: Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen,C. Ann Hollifield,Joost van Loon ©2019ISBN: 9783319510064
- Value-Oriented Risk Management of Insurance CompaniesAuthor: KrielePublisher: Kriele ©2016ISBN: 9781447163046
- Value-Range Analysis of C ProgramsAuthor: SimonPublisher: Simon ©2016ISBN: 9781848000162
- Valued FieldsAuthor: EnglerPublisher: Engler ©2016ISBN: 9783540242215
- Values Analysis Within Narratives: In the Context of Food Insecure Students in Community CollegeAuthor: AhmedPublisher: Ahmed ©2019ISBN: 9780749459840
- Values and Ideals of American YouthAuthor: Mark WickershamPublisher: Mark Wickersham ©2019ISBN: 97802319453495 Concurrent Users
- Values and OntologyAuthor: McCord, Edward L.Publisher: McCord, Edward L. ©2021ISBN: 97831103249761 Concurrent User
- Values and Ontology : Problems and PerspectivesAuthor: Centi, Beatrice;Huemer, WolfgangPublisher: Centi, Beatrice;Huemer, Wolfgang ©2018ISBN: 9783110324976
- Values and personality: An existential psychology of crisisAuthor: Wolff, WernerPublisher: Wolff, Werner ©2017ISBN: 9789812874016
- Values and Psychiatric DiagnosisAuthor: SadlerPublisher: Sadler ©2019ISBN: 9780198526377
- Values and Vaccine Refusal : Hard Questions in Ethics, Epistemology, and Health CareAuthor: Navin, MarkPublisher: Navin, Mark ©2018ISBN: 97811387906501 Concurrent User
- Values and Violence, vol. 4Author: Alex Osterwalder,et al.Publisher: Alex Osterwalder,et al. ©2016ISBN: 97814020865951 Concurrent User
- Values and Virtues in Higher Education Research : Critical PerspectivesAuthor: McNiff, JeanPublisher: McNiff, Jean ©2018ISBN: 97811389168145 Concurrent Users
- Values and Vision in Primary EducationAuthor: Taylor, Kathleen;Woolley, RichardPublisher: Taylor, Kathleen;Woolley, Richard ©2018ISBN: 97803352466631 Concurrent User
- Values at Play in Digital GamesAuthor: FlanaganPublisher: Flanagan ©2021ISBN: 9780262027663Unlimited Users
- Values at the End of LifeAuthor: LivnePublisher: Livne ©2020ISBN: 9780792378303
- Values at WorkAuthor: CheneyPublisher: Cheney ©2020ISBN: 9781472452566
- Values Cockpits: Measuring and Steering Corporate CulturesAuthor: Friedrich GlaunerPublisher: Friedrich Glauner ©2019ISBN: 9783319585116Unlimited Users
- Values Debate : A Voice from the Pupils, TheAuthor: Francis, Leslie J.Publisher: Francis, Leslie J. ©2018ISBN: 9780713002096Unlimited Users
- Values Education : Theory, Practice, Problems, ProspectsAuthor: Meyer, John R.;Burnham, Brian;Cholvat, JohnPublisher: Meyer, John R.;Burnham, Brian;Cholvat, John ©2018ISBN: 9780889200159
- Values Education and Lifelong Learning, vol. 10Author: ToolPublisher: Tool ©2016ISBN: 9781402061837
- Values Education and Quality TeachingAuthor: McCaffrey, Daniel F.;Hamilton, Laura S.;McCaffrey, Daniel F.Publisher: McCaffrey, Daniel F.;Hamilton, Laura S.;McCaffrey, Daniel F. ©2016ISBN: 97814020996181 Concurrent User
- Values Education and TechnologyAuthor: EmberleyPublisher: Emberley ©2021ISBN: 9783642031311
- Values for Educational LeadershipAuthor: Haydon, Graham.Publisher: Haydon, Graham. ©2018ISBN: 97814129346885 Concurrent Users
- Values in ConflictAuthor: CondraPublisher: Condra ©2020ISBN: 9781487573102
- Values in Criminology and Community JusticeAuthor: Tom Reilly,Paul ReillyPublisher: Tom Reilly,Paul Reilly ©2023ISBN: 9781260134735
- Values in Numbers, TheAuthor: LongPublisher: Long ©2021ISBN: 9781119658672