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Showing books starting with the letter P (5301-5350 of 33609):
- Performance Enhancement and Health
- Performance Enhancements in a Frequency Hopping GSM Network
- Performance Enhancements in a Frequency Hopping GSM Network
- Performance Ethnography: Critical Pedagogy and the Politics of Culture
- Performance Evaluation
- Performance Evaluation and Applications of ATM Networks, vol. 557
- Performance Evaluation and Attribution of Security Portfolios
- Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Intelligent Systems
- Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking with Realistic Applications
- Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking, vol. 5895
- Performance Evaluation and Design of Flight Vehicle Control Systems
- Performance Evaluation and Planning Methods for the Next Generation Internet
- Performance Evaluation by Simulation and Analysis with Applications to Computer Networks
- Performance Evaluation of Complex Systems: Techniques and Tools, vol. 2459
- Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, vol. 729
- Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems. Milestones and Future Challenges, vol. 6821
- Performance Evaluation of Foreign Subsidiaries
- Performance Evaluation Software
- Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Characterization of Complex Systems, vol. 6417
- Performance Evaluation, Prediction and Visualization of Parallel Systems, vol. 4
- Performance Evaluation: Metrics, Models and Benchmarks, vol. 5119
- Performance Evaluation: Origins and Directions, vol. 1769
- Performance for Resilience : Engaging Youth on Energy and Climate Through Music, Movement, and Theatre
- Performance Forecasting in Shale Reservoirs
- Performance Functional Foods
- Performance Funding for Higher Education: What Are the Mechanisms? What Are the Impacts? : ASHE Higher Education Report, 39:2
- Performance Gap Analysis: Human Performance Improvement
- Performance Guarantees in Communication Networks
- Performance HUBS: Engaging Teams in Focused Continuous Improvement
- Performance Improvement for Healthcare : Leading Change with Lean, Six Sigma, and Constraints Management
- Performance Improvement in Construction Management
- Performance Improvement Through Information Management
- Performance in America
- Performance in America
- Performance in Professional Service Firms
- Performance in the Texts of Mallarmé
- Performance Intervention Maps: 36 Strategies for Solving Your Organization's Problems
- Performance Leadership: The Next Practices to Motivate Your People, Align Stakeholders, and Lead Your Industry
- Performance Limits in Communication Theory and Practice
- Performance Limits in Communication Theory and Practice, vol. 142
- Performance Management
- Performance Management
- Performance Management
- Performance Management
- Performance Management for Agile Organizations: Overthrowing The Eight Management Myths That Hold Businesses Back
- Performance Management for Different Employee Groups
- Performance Management for IBM eServer iSeries and pSeries: A Systems Management Guide
- Performance Management for the Oil, Gas, and Process Industries
- Performance Management in Education : Improving Practice
- Performance Management in Healthcare : Improving Patient Outcomes, an Integrated Approach