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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (5351-5400 of 33609):
- Performance Management Pocketbook, Second EditionAuthor: Pam JonesPublisher: Pam Jones ©2019ISBN: 9781906610531
- Performance Management Pocketbook, TheAuthor: Pam JonesPublisher: Pam Jones ©2019ISBN: 97818704716571 Concurrent User
- Performance Management Success: A Best Practices and Implementation Guide for Leaders and Managers of All OrganizationsAuthor: Anthony L. Barth,Wiaan de BeerPublisher: Anthony L. Barth,Wiaan de Beer ©2019ISBN: 9783319649351
- Performance Management SystemsAuthor: DemartiniPublisher: Demartini ©2016ISBN: 9783642366833
- Performance Management: A Practical Introduction, Second EditionAuthor: Linda AshdownPublisher: Linda Ashdown ©2019ISBN: 9780749483371
- Performance Management: Concepts, Skills, and Exercises, Second EditionAuthor: Robert L. Cardy,Brian LeonardPublisher: Robert L. Cardy,Brian Leonard ©2019ISBN: 97807656265921 Concurrent User
- Performance Management: Integrating Strategy Execution, Methodologies, Risk, and AnalyticsAuthor: Gary CokinsPublisher: Gary Cokins ©2019ISBN: 9780470449981
- Performance Management: Key Strategies and Practical Guidelines, 3rd EditionAuthor: Michael ArmstrongPublisher: Michael Armstrong ©2019ISBN: 9780749445379
- Performance Management: Managing Employee Performance, Study Guide, Student EditionAuthor: GTS LearningPublisher: GTS Learning ©2020ISBN: 97835403430801 Concurrent User
- Performance Management: Putting Research into ActionAuthor: James W. Smither,Manuel London (eds)Publisher: James W. Smither,Manuel London (eds) ©2019ISBN: 9780470192320
- Performance Management: Tapping Your Organization's People PotentialAuthor: American Productivity and Quality CenterPublisher: American Productivity and Quality Center ©2019ISBN: 97819285931881 Concurrent User
- Performance Management: Using IBM InfoSphere Optim Performance Manager and Query Workload TunerAuthor: Chuck Ballard,et al.Publisher: Chuck Ballard,et al. ©2019ISBN: 9780738438450
- Performance Manager, TheAuthor: Kate WilliamsPublisher: Kate Williams ©2019ISBN: 9780750664219
- Performance Mapping and Measurement Handbook, TheAuthor: Jerry L. HarbourPublisher: Jerry L. Harbour ©2019ISBN: 97814665713411 Concurrent User
- Performance Mapping and Measurement Handbook, TheAuthor: Harbour, Jerry L.Publisher: Harbour, Jerry L. ©2019ISBN: 9781138463851
- Performance Mapping and Measurement Handbook, TheAuthor: Jerry L. HarbourPublisher: Jerry L. Harbour ©2023ISBN: 9781466571341
- Performance Marketing with Google Analytics: Strategies and Techniques for Maximizing Online ROIAuthor: Sebastian Tonkin,Caleb Whitmore,Justin CutroniPublisher: Sebastian Tonkin,Caleb Whitmore,Justin Cutroni ©2019ISBN: 97804705783151 Concurrent User
- Performance MeasurementAuthor: Bititci, Umit;MacBryde, JillPublisher: Bititci, Umit;MacBryde, Jill ©2018ISBN: 97808617676251 Concurrent User
- Performance MeasurementAuthor: KlingebielPublisher: Klingebiel ©2016ISBN: 9783409123006Unlimited Users
- Performance MeasurementAuthor: GladenPublisher: Gladen ©2016ISBN: 9783658051372Unlimited Users
- Performance MeasurementAuthor: GladenPublisher: Gladen ©2016ISBN: 9783834930590
- Performance Measurement : Accelerating ImprovementAuthor: Arons, W.Publisher: Arons, W. ©2018ISBN: 9780309100076Unlimited Users
- Performance Measurement and Incentive Systems in Purchasing, vol. 3Author: HofmannPublisher: Hofmann ©2016ISBN: 9783642384387
- Performance Measurement and Management for EngineersAuthor: Michela Arnaboldi, Giovanni Azzone and Marco GiorginoPublisher: Michela Arnaboldi, Giovanni Azzone and Marco Giorgino ©2016ISBN: 9783834911490
- Performance Measurement for Health System Improvement : Experiences, Challenges and ProspectsAuthor: Smith, Peter C.;Mossialos, Elias;Papanicolas, Irene;Leatherman, SheilaPublisher: Smith, Peter C.;Mossialos, Elias;Papanicolas, Irene;Leatherman, Sheila ©2018ISBN: 97805211167633 Consecutive User Seats
- Performance Measurement for Health System Improvement: Experiences, Challenges and ProspectsAuthor: KarasuluPublisher: Karasulu ©2018ISBN: 97805211167631 Concurrent User
- Performance Measurement in Corporate GovernanceAuthor: ManzoniPublisher: Manzoni ©2016ISBN: 9783790821697
- Performance Measurement in FinanceAuthor: Paul Falcone,Winston TanPublisher: Paul Falcone,Winston Tan ©2017ISBN: 9783540698135
- Performance Measurement with Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis, vol. 309Author: Osnes, BethPublisher: Osnes, Beth ©2016ISBN: 9783642413711
- Performance Measurement with the Balanced ScorecardAuthor: BiazzoPublisher: Biazzo ©2016ISBN: 97836422476061 Concurrent User
- Performance measurement: accelerating improvementAuthor: Maren FranklinPublisher: Maren Franklin ©2016ISBN: 97815628642795 Concurrent Users
- Performance Measurement: Implementing the Balanced ScorecardAuthor: American Productivity & Quality CenterPublisher: American Productivity & Quality Center ©2019ISBN: 9781928593607
- Performance Measurement: Linking Balanced Scorecard to Business IntelligenceAuthor: Stefano Tonchia,Luca QuaginiPublisher: Stefano Tonchia,Luca Quagini ©2016ISBN: 9783642132346
- Performance Metrics for Haptic InterfacesAuthor: SamurPublisher: Samur ©2016ISBN: 97814471422495 Concurrent Users
- Performance metrics for the global nuclear detection architectureAuthor: Joe WillmorePublisher: Joe Willmore ©2016ISBN: 9781461268000
- Performance Metrics for the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture : Abbreviated VersionAuthor: RománPublisher: Román ©2018ISBN: 9780309290142
- Performance Mindset: 7 Steps to Success in Sport and Life, TheAuthor: Anthony J. KlaricaPublisher: Anthony J. Klarica ©2023ISBN: 9780730394686
- Performance Modeling and Design of Computer Systems : Queueing Theory in ActionAuthor: Harchol-Balter, MorPublisher: Harchol-Balter, Mor ©2018ISBN: 9781107027503
- Performance Modeling and EngineeringAuthor: Carol WilsonPublisher: Carol Wilson ©2016ISBN: 97803877936031 Concurrent User
- Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Pavement Systems and Materials : Selected Papers from the 2009 GeoHunan International Conference, August 3-6, 2009, Changsha, Hunan, ChinaAuthor: Ceylan, Halil;Gopalakrishnan, Kasthurirangan;Huang, Likui;Liu, XueyanPublisher: Ceylan, Halil;Gopalakrishnan, Kasthurirangan;Huang, Likui;Liu, Xueyan ©2018ISBN: 9780784410479
- Performance Models and Risk Management in Communications Systems, vol. 46Author: Linda AshdownPublisher: Linda Ashdown ©2016ISBN: 9781441905338
- Performance of Bio-Based Building MaterialsAuthor: Jones, Dennis;Brischke, ChristianPublisher: Jones, Dennis;Brischke, Christian ©2018ISBN: 9780081009826
- Performance of Cement-Based Materials in Aggressive Aqueous Environments, vol. 10Author: KrausertPublisher: Krausert ©2016ISBN: 9789400754126
- Performance of Concentrated Solar Power Systems, TheAuthor: Laura Watkins,Vanessa DietzelPublisher: Laura Watkins,Vanessa Dietzel ©2017ISBN: 9783790821963
- Performance of ConcreteAuthor: Robert Bruce HeyPublisher: Robert Bruce Hey ©2020ISBN: 9781487573614
- Performance of Conviction, TheAuthor: GrahamPublisher: Graham ©2021ISBN: 97807619717262 Concurrent Users
- Performance of Distributed Systems and Integrated Communication NetworksAuthor: Walburg, Jan;Bevan, Helen;Wilderspin, John;Lemmens, KarinPublisher: Walburg, Jan;Bevan, Helen;Wilderspin, John;Lemmens, Karin ©2016ISBN: 9780415323970
- Performance of Identities in an International Non-Governmental Organisation in Child Welfare in China: An Ethnographic Study Using Discourse and Narrative Analysis, TheAuthor: TaylorPublisher: Taylor ©2019ISBN: 9783319649351Unlimited Users
- Performance of Multilingual and ‘Ultralingual’ Devotional Practices by Young British Muslims, TheAuthor: RosowskyPublisher: Rosowsky ©2021ISBN: 9780765626592
- Performance of Normativity, TheAuthor: RuchtiPublisher: Ruchti ©2020ISBN: 9780470449981