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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (6751-6800 of 33609):
- Perspectives on the Teaching of Geometry for the 21st Century, vol. 5Author: Salomons, Wim;Turner, Kerry;Lacerda, Luiz D. de;Ramachandran, S.Publisher: Salomons, Wim;Turner, Kerry;Lacerda, Luiz D. de;Ramachandran, S. ©2018ISBN: 9780792349914
- Perspectives on Theory of Controversies and the Ethics of Communication, vol. 2Author: Tim Menzies, Laurie Williams and Thomas ZimmermannPublisher: Tim Menzies, Laurie Williams and Thomas Zimmermann ©2016ISBN: 9789400771307
- Perspectives on Traditional Settlements and CommunitiesAuthor: WiryomartonoPublisher: Wiryomartono ©2016ISBN: 97898145850401 Concurrent User
- Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional PracticeAuthor: HullPublisher: Hull ©2020ISBN: 9783642019753
- Perspectives on Translation QualityAuthor: García-Rojo, M.;Blobel, B.;Laurinavicius, A.Publisher: García-Rojo, M.;Blobel, B.;Laurinavicius, A. ©2021ISBN: 97831102598411 Concurrent User
- Perspectives on urban infrastructureAuthor: Karen Whalley Hammell, PhD, MSc, OT(C), DipCOTPublisher: Karen Whalley Hammell, PhD, MSc, OT(C), DipCOT ©2016ISBN: 9789814585385
- Perspectives on VariationAuthor: Resnick, Lauren B.Publisher: Resnick, Lauren B. ©2019ISBN: 9783110182842
- Perspectives On VasopressinAuthor: John Francis LaycockPublisher: John Francis Laycock ©2018ISBN: 9781848162945
- Perspectives on Verbal and Psychological AbuseAuthor: Maiuro, Roland D.Publisher: Maiuro, Roland D. ©2018ISBN: 9780826194657
- Perspectives on Videoconferencing Technology for Qualitative ResearchAuthor: ImaniPublisher: Imani ©2022ISBN: 9783642228155
- Perspectives, Science and Technologies for Novel Silicon on Insulator Devices, vol. 73Author: Harvey, John H.Publisher: Harvey, John H. ©2016ISBN: 9780792361176
- Perspectivism in social psychology: The yin and yang of scientific progressAuthor: Jost, John T.Publisher: Jost, John T. ©2017ISBN: 9781591470229
- PerspectumAuthor: Schorn-SchüttePublisher: Schorn-Schütte ©2021ISBN: 9783486781083
- Perspektive: textexternAuthor: Weiss, Gail;Haber, Honi FernPublisher: Weiss, Gail;Haber, Honi Fern ©2019ISBN: 97834841038182 Concurrent Users
- Perspektive: textinternAuthor: PatronPublisher: Patron ©2019ISBN: 9783484103801
- Perspektiven auf MehrsprachigkeitAuthor: LongoPublisher: Longo ©2019ISBN: 97831105225011 Concurrent User
- Perspektiven auf SpracheAuthor: Speckman, McGlory;Mandew, MartinPublisher: Speckman, McGlory;Mandew, Martin ©2021ISBN: 9783110100686
- Perspektiven auf StilAuthor: Speckman, McGlory;Mandew, MartinPublisher: Speckman, McGlory;Mandew, Martin ©2021ISBN: 9783484312265
- Perspektiven der Edition musikdramatischer TexteAuthor: Heuer, Herbert;Sanders, AndriesPublisher: Heuer, Herbert;Sanders, Andries ©2019ISBN: 97831105481812 Concurrent Users
- Perspektiven der HumanitätAuthor: Berryman, Mere;Glynn, Ted;Wearmouth, JanicePublisher: Berryman, Mere;Glynn, Ted;Wearmouth, Janice ©2021ISBN: 9783837614145
- Perspektiven der ModernisierungAuthor: Gordon KanePublisher: Gordon Kane ©2021ISBN: 9783110234251
- Perspektiven der pädagogischen Lexikographie des Deutschen IAuthor: Campbell, David;Mason, BarryPublisher: Campbell, David;Mason, Barry ©2019ISBN: 97834843098691 Concurrent User
- Perspektiven der pädagogischen Lexikographie des Deutschen IIAuthor: Islam, M. RafiqulPublisher: Islam, M. Rafiqul ©2019ISBN: 9783484391109
- Perspektiven der Schiller-Forschung ; Schillers Europa, vol. 1Author: Lemaine, Gerard;Macleod, Roy;Mulkay, Michael;Weingart, PeterPublisher: Lemaine, Gerard;Macleod, Roy;Mulkay, Michael;Weingart, Peter ©2020ISBN: 97831104400412 Concurrent Users
- Perspektiven der Schiller-Forschung ; Schillers Feste der Rhetorik, vol. 3Author: Endlicher, WilfriedPublisher: Endlicher, Wilfried ©2021ISBN: 9783110685978
- Perspektiven der Schiller-Forschung ; Schillers Feste der Rhetorik, vol. 3Author: BorchardtPublisher: Borchardt ©2021ISBN: 9783110685978
- Perspektiven der Schiller-Forschung ; Schillers Theaterpraxis, vol. 2Author: Cacace, Cassandra;McFadden, Bernadette;Ulmer, CherylPublisher: Cacace, Cassandra;McFadden, Bernadette;Ulmer, Cheryl ©2020ISBN: 9783110664553
- Perspektiven der Spolienforschung 1Author: Karacostas, Theodore;Bais, Alkiviadis;Nastos, Panagiotis T.Publisher: Karacostas, Theodore;Bais, Alkiviadis;Nastos, Panagiotis T. ©2021ISBN: 9783110290905
- Perspektiven des Bergbauerbes im MuseumAuthor: Esmail, Ashraf;Pitre, Abul;Aragon, AntonettePublisher: Esmail, Ashraf;Pitre, Abul;Aragon, Antonette ©2021ISBN: 9783110682991
- Perspektiven des Europäischen SchuldvertragsrechtsAuthor: Walters, J. E.Publisher: Walters, J. E. ©2019ISBN: 97838994952491 Concurrent User
- Perspektiven des WirtschaftsrechtsAuthor: BournsPublisher: Bourns ©2021ISBN: 9783899495027
- Perspektiven einer anderen NaturAuthor: BeckerPublisher: Becker ©2021ISBN: 97838994223991 Concurrent User
- Perspektiven einer anderen NaturAuthor: BeckerPublisher: Becker ©2021ISBN: 97803090763571 Concurrent User
- Perspektiven einer sozialstaatlichen Umverteilung im GesundheitswesenAuthor: Reyes, Victor G.Publisher: Reyes, Victor G. ©2019ISBN: 9783486564587
- Perspektiven für eine kohärente und praxisgerechte Verzahnung v. Steuerrecht u. InsolvenzrechtAuthor: Gibson, Faith;Cahill, Suzanne;Marshall, Professor Mary;Clare, LindaPublisher: Gibson, Faith;Cahill, Suzanne;Marshall, Professor Mary;Clare, Linda ©2021ISBN: 9780521882903
- Perspektiven im Strategischen ManagementAuthor: Miller, Richard N.;O'Maonaigh, Heather C.;Brachman, Philip S.Publisher: Miller, Richard N.;O'Maonaigh, Heather C.;Brachman, Philip S. ©2019ISBN: 97831101614585 Concurrent Users
- Perspektiven interdisziplinärer MedienphilosophieAuthor: Elliott, Samantha L.;Fischer, Beth A.;Grinnell, Frederick;Zigmond, Michael J.Publisher: Elliott, Samantha L.;Fischer, Beth A.;Grinnell, Frederick;Zigmond, Michael J. ©2021ISBN: 9789401786539
- Perspektiven pragmatischer MedienphilosophieAuthor: SandbothePublisher: Sandbothe ©2021ISBN: 97838376520551 Concurrent User
- Perspektiven zur Sozialgeschichte der LiteraturAuthor: SchönertPublisher: Schönert ©2019ISBN: 9783484350878Unlimited Users
- Perspektivenwechsel: Sammler, Sammlungen, Sammlungskulturen in Wien und MitteleuropaAuthor: Bastiaanse, Roelien;Thompson, Cynthia K.Publisher: Bastiaanse, Roelien;Thompson, Cynthia K. ©2021ISBN: 9783110605006
- Perspektivische Interaktion im RomanAuthor: HartnerPublisher: Hartner ©2021ISBN: 9783110289831Unlimited Users
- Perspektivität und SpracheAuthor: KöllerPublisher: Köller ©2019ISBN: 9783110181043Unlimited Users
- Persuadable Voter, TheAuthor: ShieldsPublisher: Shields ©2021ISBN: 9789401787321Unlimited Users
- Persuade: The 4-Step Process to Influence People and DecisionsAuthor: Andres Lares,Jeff Cochran,Shaun DiganPublisher: Andres Lares,Jeff Cochran,Shaun Digan ©2021ISBN: 9781663715159
- Persuade: The 7 Empowering Laws of the SalesMakerAuthor: Scott HoglePublisher: Scott Hogle ©2021ISBN: 9780309163248
- Persuade: Using the Seven Drivers of Motivation to Master Influence and PersuasionAuthor: Philip HeskethPublisher: Philip Hesketh ©2019ISBN: 97808570863651 Concurrent User
- Persuading with Data: A Guide to Designing, Delivering, and Defending Your DataAuthor: Miro KazakoffPublisher: Miro Kazakoff ©2024ISBN: 9780262543279
- PersuasionAuthor: OrtakPublisher: Ortak ©2019ISBN: 9783484750265
- Persuasion and Compulsion in DemocracyAuthor: Kegley, Jacquelyn;Skowronski, Krzysztof PiotrPublisher: Kegley, Jacquelyn;Skowronski, Krzysztof Piotr ©2018ISBN: 97807391787823 Consecutive User Seats
- Persuasion and Influence in a Week: How to Persuade in Seven Simple StepsAuthor: Di McLanachanPublisher: Di McLanachan ©2019ISBN: 97814736086101 Concurrent User