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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (6801-6850 of 33609):
- Persuasion and PropagandaAuthor: CoutuPublisher: Coutu ©2023ISBN: 9780521882903
- Persuasion and RhetoricAuthor: MichelstaedterPublisher: Michelstaedter ©2020ISBN: 9780792349914
- Persuasion Code: How Neuromarketing Can Help You Persuade Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime, TheAuthor: Christophe Morin,Patrick RenvoiséPublisher: Christophe Morin,Patrick Renvoisé ©2019ISBN: 9781119440703
- Persuasion Equation: The Subtle Science of Getting Your WayAuthor: Mark RodgersPublisher: Mark Rodgers ©2020ISBN: 9781469061375
- Persuasion Equation: The Subtle Science of Getting Your WayAuthor: Mark RodgersPublisher: Mark Rodgers ©2019ISBN: 9780814434178
- Persuasion in ParallelAuthor: CoppockPublisher: Coppock ©2023ISBN: 9780226821825
- Persuasion IQ: The 10 Skills You Need to Get Exactly What You WantAuthor: Kurt W. MortensenPublisher: Kurt W. Mortensen ©2019ISBN: 9780814409930
- Persuasion zwischen Zweifel und GewissheitAuthor: DrescherPublisher: Drescher ©2019ISBN: 9783110653595
- Persuasionsstrategien im vormodernen TheaterAuthor: PosthPublisher: Posth ©2022ISBN: 9783110737257
- Persuasive Business Proposals: Writing to Win More Customers, Clients, and ContractsAuthor: Tom SantPublisher: Tom Sant ©2019ISBN: 97808144715313 Consecutive User Seats
- Persuasive Business Proposals: Writing to Win More Customers, Clients, and Contracts, Third EditionAuthor: Tom SantPublisher: Tom Sant ©2019ISBN: 97808144178501 Concurrent User
- Persuasive Copywriting: Cut Through the Noise and Communicate With Impact, Second EditionAuthor: Andy MaslenPublisher: Andy Maslen ©2019ISBN: 97807494977365 Concurrent Users
- Persuasive Copywriting: Using Psychology to Influence, Engage and SellAuthor: Andy MaslenPublisher: Andy Maslen ©2019ISBN: 9780749473990
- Persuasive GamesAuthor: BogostPublisher: Bogost ©2021ISBN: 9780262026147
- Persuasive Gaming in ContextAuthor: Maiuro, Roland D.Publisher: Maiuro, Roland D. ©2021ISBN: 9780826194657
- Persuasive Imagery : A Consumer Response PerspectiveAuthor: Scott, Linda M.;Batra, RajeevPublisher: Scott, Linda M.;Batra, Rajeev ©2018ISBN: 97808058420295 Concurrent Users
- Persuasive PeersAuthor: BakerPublisher: Baker ©2021ISBN: 9780792349914
- Persuasive PresentationsAuthor: Dianna BooherPublisher: Dianna Booher ©2020ISBN: 97818557528015 Concurrent Users
- Persuasive PresentationsAuthor: Dianna BooherPublisher: Dianna Booher ©2023ISBN: 9780792349914
- Persuasive Recommender SystemsAuthor: YooPublisher: Yoo ©2016ISBN: 9781461447016
- Persuasive SignsAuthor: BeasleyPublisher: Beasley ©2019ISBN: 9783110173406
- Persuasive TechnologyAuthor: Ph.D. B.J. FoggPublisher: Ph.D. B.J. Fogg ©2016ISBN: 97898145850401 Concurrent User
- Persuasive Technology - Persuasive, Motivating, Empowering Videogames : 9th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2014, Padua, Italy, May 21-23, 2014. ProceedingsAuthor: Spagnolli, Anna;Chittaro, Luca;Gamberini, LucianoPublisher: Spagnolli, Anna;Chittaro, Luca;Gamberini, Luciano ©2018ISBN: 97833190712681 Concurrent User
- Persuasive Technology : Using Computers to Change What We Think and DoAuthor: Fogg, B. J.Publisher: Fogg, B. J. ©2018ISBN: 9781558606432
- Persuasive Technology, vol. 3962Author: Resnick, Lauren B.Publisher: Resnick, Lauren B. ©2016ISBN: 9783540342915
- Persuasive Technology, vol. 4744Author: John Francis LaycockPublisher: John Francis Laycock ©2016ISBN: 9783540770053
- Persuasive Technology, vol. 5033Author: John Francis LaycockPublisher: John Francis Laycock ©2016ISBN: 9783540685005
- Persuasive Technology, vol. 6137Author: Maiuro, Roland D.Publisher: Maiuro, Roland D. ©2016ISBN: 9783642132254
- Persuasive Technology, vol. 7822Author: Harvey, John H.Publisher: Harvey, John H. ©2016ISBN: 9783642371561
- Persuasive Technology, vol. 9072Author: Jost, John T.Publisher: Jost, John T. ©2016ISBN: 9783319203058
- Persuasive Technology, vol. 9638Author: Schorn-SchüttePublisher: Schorn-Schütte ©2016ISBN: 9783319315096
- Persuasive Technology: Design for Health and Safety, vol. 7284Author: Weiss, Gail;Haber, Honi FernPublisher: Weiss, Gail;Haber, Honi Fern ©2016ISBN: 97836423103622 Concurrent Users
- Pers–AndalusAuthor: Dold-GhadarPublisher: Dold-Ghadar ©2021ISBN: 9783879974542
- Pertenencia y alteridadAuthor: BrandomPublisher: Brandom ©2020ISBN: 97831106645533 Consecutive User Seats
- Perturbation Analysis of Discrete Event Dynamic SystemsAuthor: Yu-Chi (Larry) Ho, Yu-Chi (Larry);Xi-Ren Cao, Xi-RenPublisher: Yu-Chi (Larry) Ho, Yu-Chi (Larry);Xi-Ren Cao, Xi-Ren ©2018ISBN: 9781461367994
- Perturbation Analysis of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 145Author: HoPublisher: Ho ©2016ISBN: 9781461367994
- Perturbation Compensator based Robust Tracking Control and State Estimation of Mechanical Systems, vol. 307Author: KwonPublisher: Kwon ©2016ISBN: 9783540220770
- Perturbation Expansions in Axiomatic Field Theory, vol. 11Author: SteinmannPublisher: Steinmann ©2016ISBN: 9783540056980
- Perturbation Methods and Semilinear Elliptic Problems on R^nAuthor: Ambrosetti, Antonio;Malchiodi, AndreaPublisher: Ambrosetti, Antonio;Malchiodi, Andrea ©2018ISBN: 9783764373214
- Perturbation Methods for Differential EquationsAuthor: ShivamoggiPublisher: Shivamoggi ©2016ISBN: 97814612658871 Concurrent User
- Perturbation Methods in Non-Linear Systems, vol. 8Author: GiacagliaPublisher: Giacaglia ©2016ISBN: 9780387900544
- Perturbation Methods, Bifurcation Theory and Computer AlgebraAuthor: John, Fritz;Marsden, J. E.;Sirovich, LawrencePublisher: John, Fritz;Marsden, J. E.;Sirovich, Lawrence ©2018ISBN: 9780387965895
- Perturbation Methods, Bifurcation Theory and Computer Algebra, vol. 65Author: RandPublisher: Rand ©2016ISBN: 9780387965895
- Perturbation Techniques for Flexible Manipulators, vol. 138Author: FraserPublisher: Fraser ©2016ISBN: 9781461367758
- Perturbation theory for linear operators, vol. 132Author: KatoPublisher: Kato ©2016ISBN: 97836621268061 Concurrent User
- Perturbation Theory for Matrix Equations, vol. 9Author: BournsPublisher: Bourns ©2017ISBN: 9783899495027
- Perturbation Theory for the Schrödinger Operator with a Periodic Potential, vol. 1663Author: KarpeshinaPublisher: Karpeshina ©2016ISBN: 97835406313611 Concurrent User
- Perturbations in the Spectra of Diatomic MoleculesAuthor: Helene Lefebvre-BrionPublisher: Helene Lefebvre-Brion ©2016ISBN: 97831101614585 Concurrent Users
- Perturbations of Positive Semigroups with ApplicationsAuthor: BanasiakPublisher: Banasiak ©2016ISBN: 9781852339937Unlimited Users
- Perturbations, Approximations and Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Control Systems, vol. 52Author: HartnerPublisher: Hartner ©2016ISBN: 9783540124634Unlimited Users