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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (14501-14550 of 33609):
- Polarization of LightAuthor: ChekhovaPublisher: Chekhova ©2021ISBN: 9783110668018
- Polarization Optics in Telecommunications, vol. 101Author: DamaskPublisher: Damask ©2016ISBN: 97803872249301 Concurrent User
- Polarization Spectroscopy of Ionized GasesAuthor: Kazantsev, S. A.;Hénoux, J.-C.Publisher: Kazantsev, S. A.;Hénoux, J.-C. ©2018ISBN: 97890481455081 Concurrent User
- Polarization, Alignment, and Orientation in Atomic CollisionsAuthor: Andersen, Nils;Bartschat, KlausPublisher: Andersen, Nils;Bartschat, Klaus ©2018ISBN: 9783319552149
- PolarizedAuthor: LeviPublisher: Levi ©2020ISBN: 9781264259083Unlimited Users
- Polarized Development and Regional PoliciesAuthor: ComisoPublisher: Comiso ©2019ISBN: 9789027930996
- Polarized Electrons at Surfaces, vol. 106Author: KirschnerPublisher: Kirschner ©2016ISBN: 9783662152195
- Polarized Families, Polarized PartiesAuthor: AlphonsoPublisher: Alphonso ©2020ISBN: 9781420044799
- Polarized LightAuthor: ShurcliffPublisher: Shurcliff ©2021ISBN: 9780674424111
- Polarized Light and Optical MeasurementAuthor: D.N. Clarke, J.F. Grainger and D. ter HaarPublisher: D.N. Clarke, J.F. Grainger and D. ter Haar ©2016ISBN: 9780813542201
- Polarized Light and Polarization Vision in Animal Sciences, vol. 2Author: ComisoPublisher: Comiso ©2016ISBN: 9783642547171
- Polarized Light in Optics and SpectroscopyAuthor: David S. Kliger and James W. LewisPublisher: David S. Kliger and James W. Lewis ©2016ISBN: 9781626379947
- Polarized PastsAuthor: LubinPublisher: Lubin ©2023ISBN: 9783540430971
- Polarized PastsAuthor: BurkePublisher: Burke ©2023ISBN: 9780470720080
- Polarized PoliticsAuthor: Baker, PaulPublisher: Baker, Paul ©2022ISBN: 9780203282397
- Polarized Positron 2011 - Proceedings Of The 6th Annual WorkshopAuthor: Wei GaiPublisher: Wei Gai ©2018ISBN: 9789814401036
- Polarized Sources And Targets - Proceedings Of The Eleventh International WorkshopAuthor: Akihiro Yoshimi;Tomohiro Uesaka;Hideyuki Sakai;Koichiro AsahiPublisher: Akihiro Yoshimi;Tomohiro Uesaka;Hideyuki Sakai;Koichiro Asahi ©2018ISBN: 9789812707031
- Polarized Sources And Targets, Proceedings Of The Ninth International WorkshopAuthor: Vladimir (Laddie) Derenchuk;Barbara Von PrzewoskiPublisher: Vladimir (Laddie) Derenchuk;Barbara Von Przewoski ©2018ISBN: 9789810249175
- Polarized Sources, Targets And Polarimetry - Proceedings Of The 13th International WorkshopAuthor: Marco Contalbrigo;Guiseppe Ciullo;Paolo LenisaPublisher: Marco Contalbrigo;Guiseppe Ciullo;Paolo Lenisa ©2018ISBN: 9789814324915
- Polarized Spectroscopy of Ordered SystemsAuthor: Samori', Bruno;Thulstrup, Erik W.Publisher: Samori', Bruno;Thulstrup, Erik W. ©2018ISBN: 9789401078665
- Polarized Spectroscopy of Ordered Systems, vol. 242Author: TetreaultPublisher: Tetreault ©2016ISBN: 97894010786651 Concurrent User
- Polarizers, TheAuthor: RosenfeldPublisher: Rosenfeld ©2021ISBN: 9780444516275
- Polarizing MexicoAuthor: Dussel PetersPublisher: Dussel Peters ©2022ISBN: 9781430259114
- Polarographic Oxygen SensorsAuthor: Bringi, V. N.;Chandrasekar, V.Publisher: Bringi, V. N.;Chandrasekar, V. ©2016ISBN: 9783642818653
- Polarographische ArbeitsmethodenAuthor: StackelbergPublisher: Stackelberg ©2021ISBN: 9783112397053
- PolaronenAuthor: FortunaPublisher: Fortuna ©2021ISBN: 9783112533116
- Polarons and Excitons in Polar Semiconductors and Ionic CrystalsAuthor: Devreese, Jozef T.;Peeters, F.Publisher: Devreese, Jozef T.;Peeters, F. ©2018ISBN: 9781461296744
- Polarons in Advanced Materials, vol. 103Author: SapolskyPublisher: Sapolsky ©2016ISBN: 9781402063473
- Pole Solutions for Flame Front PropagationAuthor: KupervasserPublisher: Kupervasser ©2016ISBN: 9783319188447
- PolecAuthor: MarquardPublisher: Marquard ©2019ISBN: 97831100089205 Concurrent Users
- PolecAuthor: BackPublisher: Back ©2020ISBN: 97831123055151 Concurrent User
- Polemic and Literature Surrounding the French Wars of ReligionAuthor: Gisselquist, DavidPublisher: Gisselquist, David ©2019ISBN: 9781501518034
- Polemical and Exegetical Polarities in Medieval Jewish CulturesAuthor: Astapenko, ValeriyPublisher: Astapenko, Valeriy ©2021ISBN: 97831107006261 Concurrent User
- Polemical EncountersAuthor: Barry JohnsonPublisher: Barry Johnson ©2021ISBN: 97808742517605 Concurrent Users
- PolemicizationAuthor: ArditiPublisher: Arditi ©2022ISBN: 97836423408192 Concurrent Users
- Polemics and Patronage in the City of VictoryAuthor: StokerPublisher: Stoker ©2020ISBN: 97805202918361 Concurrent User
- Polemics of Possession in Spanish American Narrative, TheAuthor: AdornoPublisher: Adorno ©2020ISBN: 97803873683133 Consecutive User Seats
- Polemik in der frühchristlichen LiteraturAuthor: PrimPublisher: Prim ©2021ISBN: 9783110223538Unlimited Users
- Polemik und Argumentation in der Wissenschaft des 19. JahrhundertsAuthor: HaßlauerPublisher: Haßlauer ©2021ISBN: 9783110229943Unlimited Users
- Polemik und Argumentation in der Wissenschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts : Eine Pragmalinguistische Untersuchung der Auseinandersetzung Zwischen Carl Vogt und Rudolph Wagner Um Die 'Seele'Author: Haßlauer, Steffen;Haßlauer, SteffenPublisher: Haßlauer, Steffen;Haßlauer, Steffen ©2018ISBN: 9783110229943Unlimited Users
- Polemische ÖffentlichkeitenAuthor: Rogers, AlanPublisher: Rogers, Alan ©2021ISBN: 9781580535342
- Polen und Deutschland vor 1000 JahrenAuthor: Ammari, Habib;Kang, HyeonbaePublisher: Ammari, Habib;Kang, Hyeonbae ©2019ISBN: 9783050037493
- Polen und die römische Kurie in den Jahren 1414–1424Author: BelléePublisher: Bellée ©2019ISBN: 9783111155319
- Polen und die römische Kurie in den Jahren 1414–1424, Einleitung, T. 1 und Urkundenanhang Nr. 1–11Author: BelléePublisher: Bellée ©2019ISBN: 9783111259000
- Polens AndereAuthor: KeinzPublisher: Keinz ©2021ISBN: 97803872319381 Concurrent User
- Polens Auflösung. Kulturgeschichtliche Skizzen aus den letzten Jahrzehnten der polnischen SelbständigkeitAuthor: BrüggenPublisher: Brüggen ©2022ISBN: 97831126241592 Concurrent Users
- Polens Auflösung. Kulturgeschichtliche Skizzen aus den letzten Jahrzehnten der polnischen SelbständigkeitAuthor: BrüggenPublisher: Brüggen ©2022ISBN: 9783112624159
- Polens Kampf gegen seine nichtpolnischen VolksgruppenAuthor: MornikPublisher: Mornik ©2020ISBN: 97831111239361 Concurrent User
- Poles Together?Author: SzczerbiakPublisher: Szczerbiak ©2022ISBN: 9780387224930
- Poleward Flows Along Eastern Ocean BoundariesAuthor: Bowman, Malcolm J.;Barber, Richard T.;Mooers, Christopher N. K.;Barber, Richard T.Publisher: Bowman, Malcolm J.;Barber, Richard T.;Mooers, Christopher N. K.;Barber, Richard T. ©2018ISBN: 9781461389651