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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (14751-14800 of 33609):
- Policy Perspectives on Educational Testing, vol. 32Author: Richardson, Richard, Jr.;Martinez, MarioPublisher: Richardson, Richard, Jr.;Martinez, Mario ©2016ISBN: 97894010498705 Concurrent Users
- Policy Practice and Digital Science, vol. 10Author: FernandezPublisher: Fernandez ©2016ISBN: 9783319127835
- Policy Process, TheAuthor: ChandlerPublisher: Chandler ©2020ISBN: 9780801891618
- Policy reconsideredAuthor: Bunnell, FredPublisher: Bunnell, Fred ©2023ISBN: 9780774806909
- Policy Reform in Developing CountriesAuthor: BelA. BalassaPublisher: BelA. Balassa ©2016ISBN: 9781567505160
- Policy Reforms and Agriculture Development in Central Asia, vol. 28Author: Wong, Kam C.Publisher: Wong, Kam C. ©2016ISBN: 97803872977741 Concurrent User
- Policy SciencesAuthor: Arie Y. Lewin and Melvin F. ShakunPublisher: Arie Y. Lewin and Melvin F. Shakun ©2016ISBN: 97803872803705 Concurrent Users
- Policy State, TheAuthor: OrrenPublisher: Orren ©2020ISBN: 9780387280370
- Policy Technologies for Self-Managing SystemsAuthor: Dakshi Agrawal,et al.Publisher: Dakshi Agrawal,et al. ©2019ISBN: 9780132213073
- Policy That Works for Forests and People : Real Prospects for Governance and LivelihoodsAuthor: Mayers, JamesPublisher: Mayers, James ©2018ISBN: 9781844070961
- Policy Tools for Allocative Efficiency of Health ServicesAuthor: Liu, X.Publisher: Liu, X. ©2016ISBN: 9789241562522
- Policy Transformation in CanadaAuthor: RiccucciPublisher: Riccucci ©2020ISBN: 97814665072651 Concurrent User
- Policy Uncertainty and RiskAuthor: HellströmPublisher: Hellström ©2016ISBN: 9781461356141
- Policy Work in CanadaAuthor: BrouwerPublisher: Brouwer ©2020ISBN: 97833191724085 Concurrent Users
- Policy WorldsAuthor: Daniel Béland,Andrea Louise Campbell,R. Kent WeaverPublisher: Daniel Béland,Andrea Louise Campbell,R. Kent Weaver ©2022ISBN: 9781108940542
- Policy, Discourse and Rhetoric, vol. 52Author: Daniel Béland,Andrea Louise Campbell,R. Kent WeaverPublisher: Daniel Béland,Andrea Louise Campbell,R. Kent Weaver ©2016ISBN: 97811089405421 Concurrent User
- Policy, Experience and Change: Cross-Cultural Reflections on Inclusive Education, vol. 4Author: VocePublisher: Voce ©2016ISBN: 9781402087318
- Policy, People, and the New ProfessionalAuthor: Duyvendak;Knijn;KremerPublisher: Duyvendak;Knijn;Kremer ©2018ISBN: 9789053568859
- Policy, People, and the New ProfessionalAuthor: Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.). Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming.Publisher: Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.). Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming. ©2020ISBN: 97814614355185 Concurrent Users
- Policy, Planning, and PeopleAuthor: ContehPublisher: Conteh ©2021ISBN: 9780812222395
- Policy-Based Network ManagementAuthor: John StrassnerPublisher: John Strassner ©2016ISBN: 9780309044400
- Policy-Making as DesigningAuthor: Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.). Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming--Synthesis Panel.Publisher: Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.). Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming--Synthesis Panel. ©2023ISBN: 9783642741784
- PolicyforschungAuthor: GellnerPublisher: Gellner ©2019ISBN: 9783486586749
- Polifuncionalidad, polisemia y estrategia retóricaAuthor: HummelPublisher: Hummel ©2021ISBN: 9783110281187
- Polio '53 : A Memorial for Russell Frederick TaylorAuthor: Taylor, Russell F.Publisher: Taylor, Russell F. ©2018ISBN: 97808886423012 Concurrent Users
- Polio : An American StoryAuthor: Oshinsky, David M.Publisher: Oshinsky, David M. ©2021ISBN: 9780195152944
- Polio and Its AftermathAuthor: ShellPublisher: Shell ©2021ISBN: 9780309096133
- Polio and Its Aftermath : The Paralysis of CultureAuthor: Shell, MarcPublisher: Shell, Marc ©2018ISBN: 9780674013155
- Polio Boulevard : A MemoirAuthor: Chase, KarenPublisher: Chase, Karen ©2018ISBN: 9781438452821
- Polio WarsAuthor: RogersPublisher: Rogers ©2017ISBN: 97801953805901 Concurrent User
- Polio Wars : Sister Kenny and the Golden Age of American MedicineAuthor: Rogers, NaomiPublisher: Rogers, Naomi ©2018ISBN: 9780195380590
- Polio Years in Texas : Battling a Terrifying Unknown, TheAuthor: Wooten, Heather GreenPublisher: Wooten, Heather Green ©2018ISBN: 9781603441407
- Polis und PolitesseAuthor: ZabelPublisher: Zabel ©2021ISBN: 9783110414936
- Polis, Platz und PorträtAuthor: LeonePublisher: Leone ©2021ISBN: 97831106528331 Concurrent User
- Polish CinemaAuthor: HaltofPublisher: Haltof ©2022ISBN: 97818918531355 Concurrent Users
- Polish CinemaAuthor: HaltofPublisher: Haltof ©2022ISBN: 9783319160320
- Polish Climate in the European Context: An Historical Overview, TheAuthor: Patlak, Margie;Phillips, Jonathan;Nass, Sharyl J.Publisher: Patlak, Margie;Phillips, Jonathan;Nass, Sharyl J. ©2016ISBN: 97890481316621 Concurrent User
- Polish Economy, TheAuthor: SlayPublisher: Slay ©2021ISBN: 9780791489604Unlimited Users
- Polish families and migration since EU accessionAuthor: WhitePublisher: White ©2023ISBN: 97814020634731 Concurrent User
- Polish families and migration since EU accessionAuthor: WhitePublisher: White ©2023ISBN: 97803091457565 Concurrent Users
- Polish Film and the HolocaustAuthor: HaltofPublisher: Haltof ©2022ISBN: 97803091457561 Concurrent User
- Polish Jews in the Soviet UnionAuthor: PrimPublisher: Prim ©2022ISBN: 9781644697498Unlimited Users
- Polish Language in the Digital Age, TheAuthor: HaßlauerPublisher: Haßlauer ©2016ISBN: 9783642308109Unlimited Users
- Polish Liberal Thought Before 1918Author: JanowskiPublisher: Janowski ©2022ISBN: 9789401057202
- Polish Memoirs of William John Rose, TheAuthor: ZalmanovitchPublisher: Zalmanovitch ©2020ISBN: 9781487585457Unlimited Users
- Polish Postwar EconomyAuthor: AltonPublisher: Alton ©2019ISBN: 9780231923484
- Polish Quantum Chemistry from Kołos to Now, vol. 87Author: Zalmanovitch, YairPublisher: Zalmanovitch, Yair ©2023ISBN: 9780791451854
- Polish Reference GrammarAuthor: BrooksPublisher: Brooks ©2021ISBN: 9789027933133
- Polish Revolutionary PopulismAuthor: BrockPublisher: Brock ©2021ISBN: 97894010498701 Concurrent User
- Polish Society Under German OccupationAuthor: GrossPublisher: Gross ©2020ISBN: 9783319127835