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Showing books starting with the letter P (14851-14900 of 33609):
- Political Character of Adolescence
- Political Children
- Political Cleavages and Social Inequalities
- Political Cleavages and Social Inequalities
- Political Communication
- Political Communication
- Political Communication and Political Culture in England, 1558-1688
- Political Communication in Action
- Political Communication in Chinese and European History, 800-1600
- Political Community and the North American Area
- Political Competition
- Political Competition, Innovation and Growth
- Political Concepts
- Political Concepts
- Political Concepts
- Political Conduct
- Political Conflict and Economic Interdependence Across the Taiwan Strait and Beyond
- Political Conflict and Exclusion in Jerusalem : The Provision of Education and Social Services
- Political Construction of Brazil, The
- Political Constructions
- Political Context of Sociology, The
- Political Contingency
- Political Control of the Economy
- Political Control of the Economy
- Political Corruption and Scandals in Japan
- Political Corruption in Canada
- Political Corruption in Eastern Europe
- Political Corruption in Mexico
- Political Corruption in Mexico
- Political Corruption in Transition
- Political Creativity
- Political Crime in Europe
- Political Crisis. Fiscal Crisis
- Political Criticism
- Political Culture and Democracy in Developing Countries
- Political Culture and Political Development
- Political Culture of Japan, The
- Political Culture of the Sister Republics, 1794-1806, The
- Political Cultures in the Andes, 1750-1950
- Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy
- Political Data-fusion and No-Sampling
- Political Decisions and Agency Performance, vol. 2
- Political Descent
- Political Development in Modern Japan
- Political Development in Pakistan
- Political Discourse and National Identity in Scotland
- Political Discourse and National Identity in Scotland
- Political Discourse of Spatial Disparities, The
- Political Dissent in Democratic Athens
- Political Dynamics in Contemporary Japan