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Showing books starting with the letter P (3201-3250 of 33609):
- Patronage and Power
- Patronage and Royal Science in Seventeenth-Century France
- Patronage in British Government
- Patronage in the Renaissance
- Patronizing the Arts
- Patrons and Patriarchs
- Patrons and Their Poor, The
- Patrons of Enlightenment
- Patrons of Women
- Patrons, Brokers, and Clients in Seventeenth-Century France
- Patrons, Clients, Brokers
- Patrum Nicaenorum Nomina Latine Graece Coptice Syriace Arabice Armeniace
- Patrum Nicaenorum nomina Latine, Graece, Coptice, Syriace, Arabice, Armeniace
- Pattern
- Pattern Analysis, Intelligent Security and the Internet of Things, vol. 355
- Pattern Analysis, vol. 4
- Pattern and Process in a Forested Ecosystem
- Pattern and Process in Cultural Evolution
- Pattern and Process in Host-Parasitoid Interactions
- Pattern and Process in Macroecology
- Pattern and Repertoire in History
- Pattern and Security Requirements
- Pattern Calculus
- Pattern Classification
- Pattern Classification Using Ensemble Methods
- Pattern Classifiers and Trainable Machines
- Pattern Cutting for Clothing Using CAD
- Pattern Detection and Discovery, vol. 2447
- Pattern Discovery in Biomolecular Data : Tools, Techniques, and Applications
- Pattern for Soviet Youth
- Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Systems
- Pattern Formation at Interfaces, vol. 513
- Pattern Formation by Dynamic Systems and Pattern Recognition, vol. 5
- Pattern Formation in Continuous and Coupled Systems : A Survey Volume
- Pattern Formation in Continuous and Coupled Systems, vol. 115
- Pattern Formation in Granular Materials, vol. 164
- Pattern Formation in Liquid Crystals
- Pattern Formation in Morphogenesis, vol. 15
- Pattern formation in the cerebellum
- Pattern Formation in Viscous Flows, vol. 128
- Pattern Formation in Zebrafish
- Pattern Formations and Oscillatory Phenomena
- Pattern in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics : Pattern in Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
- Pattern of Imperialism, The
- pattern of life, The
- Pattern on The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work, The
- Pattern Recognition
- Pattern Recognition
- Pattern Recognition
- Pattern Recognition