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Showing books starting with the letter P (3351-3400 of 33609):
- Pattern-Oriented Memory Forensics: A Pattern Language Approach
- Pattern-Oriented Network Trace Analysis, Version 1.0
- Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture For Dummies
- Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects, Volume 2
- Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing, Volume 4
- Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: A System of Patterns, Volume 1
- Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: On Patterns and Pattern Languages, Volume 5
- Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: Patterns for Resource Management, Volume 3
- Patterned Peatlands of Minnesota
- Patterned Splendour
- Patterning and Cell Type Specification in the Developing CNS and PNS
- Patterning and Cell Type Specification in the Developing CNS and PNS
- Patterning and Cell Type Specification in the Developing CNS and PNS : Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience
- Patterning in Shakespearean Drama
- Patterns
- Patterns : Integrating Enterprise Service Buses in a Service-Oriented Architecture
- Patterns and Dynamics in Reactive Media
- Patterns and Dynamics in Reactive Media, vol. 37
- Patterns and Interfaces in Dissipative Dynamics
- Patterns and Processes in Forest Landscapes
- Patterns and Processes in the History of Life : Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Patterns and Processes in the History of Life Berlin 1985, June 16-21
- Patterns and Processes in the History of Life, vol. 36
- Patterns and Processes of Speciation in Ancient Lakes, vol. 205
- Patterns and Skeletons for Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Patterns and Waves, vol. 18
- Patterns for America
- Patterns for e-Business: A Strategy for Reuse
- Patterns for e-Business: User-to-Business Patterns for Topology 1 and 2 using WebSphere Advanced Edition
- Patterns for Parallel Software Design
- Patterns for Performance and Operability: Building and Testing Enterprise Software
- Patterns in Child Phonology
- Patterns in Child Phonology
- Patterns in Circulation
- Patterns in Criminal Homicide
- Patterns in Freshwater Fish Ecology
- Patterns in Interpersonal Interactions : Inviting Relational Understandings for Therapeutic Change
- Patterns in Java, Volume 1: A Catalog of Reusable Design Patterns Illustrated with UML, Second Edition
- Patterns in Java, Volume 2
- Patterns in Language and Linguistics
- Patterns In Nature
- Patterns in Nature
- Patterns in Nature
- Patterns in Oral Literature
- Patterns in Permutations and Words
- Patterns in the Machine: A Software Engineering Guide to Embedded Development
- Patterns Legitimizing Political Violence in Transcultural Perspectives
- Patterns of a Network Economy
- Patterns of American Culture
- Patterns of Attachment : A Psychological Study of the Strange Situation
- Patterns of Belief and Action