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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (10251-10300 of 18124):
- Research Design of Overview of Reviews: Incentives for Health Care ProvidersAuthor: MisfeldtPublisher: Misfeldt ©2019ISBN: 97837091739921 Concurrent User
- Research Design: Challenges in Examining Neonatal Abstinence SyndromeAuthor: HittlePublisher: Hittle ©2019ISBN: 9781447147381
- Research Design: Creating Robust Approaches for the Social SciencesAuthor: GorardPublisher: Gorard ©2019ISBN: 9781446249024
- Research Design: Observational and Correlational StudiesAuthor: BeharPublisher: Behar ©2020ISBN: 97837091739921 Concurrent User
- Research Design: The ExperimentAuthor: WeitzmanPublisher: Weitzman ©2020ISBN: 9780195053463
- Research Design: The SurveyAuthor: McAllisterPublisher: McAllister ©2020ISBN: 97801950534633 Consecutive User Seats
- Research Designs, vol. 23Author: SpectorPublisher: Spector ©2021ISBN: 9780803917095
- Research directions in computational mechanicsAuthor: Rudnytsky, Peter L.Publisher: Rudnytsky, Peter L. ©2016ISBN: 97818523390745 Concurrent Users
- Research Directions in Computational MechanicsAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Coverage Evaluation and Correlation Bias in the 2010 Census.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Coverage Evaluation and Correlation Bias in the 2010 Census. ©2018ISBN: 97803090464801 Concurrent User
- Research Directions in Concurrent Object-Oriented ProgrammingAuthor: Coenen, Frans;Allen, TonyPublisher: Coenen, Frans;Allen, Tony ©2021ISBN: 97802620113961 Concurrent User
- Research Directions in Data and Applications Security XVIII, vol. 144Author: Wagner, Wendy;Steinzor, RenaPublisher: Wagner, Wendy;Steinzor, Rena ©2016ISBN: 9781402081279Unlimited Users
- Research Directions in Database SecurityAuthor: Teresa M. Evans, Natalie Lundsteen and Nathan L. VanderfordPublisher: Teresa M. Evans, Natalie Lundsteen and Nathan L. Vanderford ©2016ISBN: 9780387977362Unlimited Users
- Research Directions in Parallel Functional ProgrammingAuthor: de Graaf, Erik;Saunders-Smits, Gillian;Nieweg, MichaelPublisher: de Graaf, Erik;Saunders-Smits, Gillian;Nieweg, Michael ©2016ISBN: 9781852330927Unlimited Users
- Research EthicsAuthor: GoralnickPublisher: Goralnick ©2020ISBN: 9783790815948
- Research EthicsAuthor: Smith Iltis, AnaPublisher: Smith Iltis, Ana ©2018ISBN: 9780415701587
- Research EthicsAuthor: ByrnePublisher: Byrne ©2019ISBN: 9781447123170
- Research EthicsAuthor: SnoverPublisher: Snover ©2022ISBN: 9781447150961
- Research Ethics and Improving the Experience of Clinical Trial ParticipantsAuthor: BowerPublisher: Bower ©2022ISBN: 97814020367292 Concurrent Users
- Research Ethics and Integrity for Online ResearchAuthor: BuchananPublisher: Buchanan ©2022ISBN: 9783790815948
- Research Ethics and Integrity for Social Scientists: Beyond Regulatory ComplianceAuthor: IsraelPublisher: Israel ©2019ISBN: 9781446207499
- Research Ethics and Working with Children and Young PeopleAuthor: SpencerPublisher: Spencer ©2019ISBN: 9783030700294
- Research Ethics as a Process: A Qualitative Study of Foreign Domestic Workers and Their Employers in Hong KongAuthor: LeePublisher: Lee ©2019ISBN: 9781447150961
- Research Ethics for Clinical Randomized Controlled TrialsAuthor: CookPublisher: Cook ©2022ISBN: 97835404417865 Concurrent Users
- Research Ethics for Clinical Trial MethodologyAuthor: TreweekPublisher: Treweek ©2022ISBN: 9780309147514
- Research Ethics for Clinical Trials and Precision MedicineAuthor: WasonPublisher: Wason ©2022ISBN: 9780309147514
- Research Ethics for Clinical Trials With Older PeopleAuthor: WithamPublisher: Witham ©2022ISBN: 9783790806298
- Research Ethics for Counsellors, Nurses and Social WorkersAuthor: Danchev, Dee;Ross, AlistairPublisher: Danchev, Dee;Ross, Alistair ©2018ISBN: 9781446253359
- Research Ethics for Online Interviews With Harmful GroupsAuthor: SugiuraPublisher: Sugiura ©2022ISBN: 97803064658571 Concurrent User
- Research Ethics for Qualitative InterviewingAuthor: Morgan BrettPublisher: Morgan Brett ©2022ISBN: 9780309036894
- Research Ethics for Scientists : A Companion for StudentsAuthor: Stewart, C. Neal;Stewart, C. Neal, Jr.Publisher: Stewart, C. Neal;Stewart, C. Neal, Jr. ©2018ISBN: 9780470745649
- Research Ethics for Social ScientistsAuthor: IsraelPublisher: Israel ©2020ISBN: 9781447338901
- Research Ethics in Behavior AnalysisAuthor: MillerPublisher: Miller ©2022ISBN: 97894007743463 Consecutive User Seats
- Research ethics in complex humanitarian emergencies : summary of a workshopAuthor: Reed, HollyPublisher: Reed, Holly ©2016ISBN: 97803090458105 Concurrent Users
- Research Ethics in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies : Summary of a WorkshopAuthor: Reed, HollyPublisher: Reed, Holly ©2018ISBN: 97803090849321 Concurrent User
- Research Ethics in the Real WorldAuthor: KaraPublisher: Kara ©2023ISBN: 9780309045810
- Research Ethics: A Form of Professional Ethics for ResearchersAuthor: GrayPublisher: Gray ©2022ISBN: 9783319064673
- Research Ethics: An Introduction to Analysing Social Media DataAuthor: SamuelPublisher: Samuel ©2022ISBN: 9780750327251Unlimited Users
- Research Ethics: Loyola University ChicagoAuthor: KannassPublisher: Kannass ©2019ISBN: 97807503272511 Concurrent User
- Research Experiences in Plant Physiology : A Laboratory ManualAuthor: Moore, T.C.Publisher: Moore, T.C. ©2018ISBN: 9783540064244
- Research ExposedAuthor: HargittaiPublisher: Hargittai ©2021ISBN: 9780231188760
- Research Films in Biology, Anthropology, Psychology, and MedicineAuthor: Anthony MichaelisPublisher: Anthony Michaelis ©2016ISBN: 9781447123170
- Research Findings in the Economics of AgingAuthor: Hutchison, David;Kanade, Takeo;Kittler, Josef;Lippincott, JoanPublisher: Hutchison, David;Kanade, Takeo;Kittler, Josef;Lippincott, Joan ©2020ISBN: 9780226903064
- Research for a Future in Space : The Role of Life and Physical SciencesAuthor: Committee for the Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences in Space;Space Studies Board;National Research CouncilPublisher: Committee for the Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences in Space;Space Studies Board;National Research Council ©2018ISBN: 97803092610365 Concurrent Users
- Research for a future in space: the role of life and physical sciences.Author: Abiteboul, Serge;Vercoustre, Anne-Marie;van Leeuwen, JanPublisher: Abiteboul, Serge;Vercoustre, Anne-Marie;van Leeuwen, Jan ©2016ISBN: 9781447150961
- Research for Advanced Practice Nurses, Second Edition : From Evidence to PracticeAuthor: Mateo, Magdalena;Foreman, Marquis D.Publisher: Mateo, Magdalena;Foreman, Marquis D. ©2018ISBN: 97808261372585 Concurrent Users
- Research for Development: A Practical GuideAuthor: LawsPublisher: Laws ©2019ISBN: 9780309096157
- Research for Evidence-Based Practice in HealthcareAuthor: Newell, Robert;Burnard, PhilipPublisher: Newell, Robert;Burnard, Philip ©2018ISBN: 9781444331127
- Research for Health PolicyAuthor: Bell, EricaPublisher: Bell, Erica ©2017ISBN: 97801995493371 Concurrent User
- Research for the public good: Applying the methods of translational research to improve human health and well-beingAuthor: Wethington, ElainePublisher: Wethington, Elaine ©2017ISBN: 97814338116851 Concurrent User
- Research Foundations of Graduate Education, TheAuthor: Seishu TojoPublisher: Seishu Tojo ©2020ISBN: 9780520338708