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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (10451-10500 of 18124):
- Research Methods for Cultural StudiesAuthor: PickeringPublisher: Pickering ©2022ISBN: 97830356201465 Concurrent Users
- Research Methods for Cyber SecurityAuthor: Thomas Edgar and David ManzPublisher: Thomas Edgar and David Manz ©2017ISBN: 9780080123394Unlimited Users
- Research Methods for EngineersAuthor: Thiel, David V.Publisher: Thiel, David V. ©2018ISBN: 9781107034884Unlimited Users
- Research Methods for English StudiesAuthor: GriffinPublisher: Griffin ©2022ISBN: 9783642256752
- Research Methods for Health Care PracticeAuthor: GriffithsPublisher: Griffiths ©2019ISBN: 9781412935777Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Research Methods for HistoryAuthor: FairePublisher: Faire ©2022ISBN: 97808039420805 Concurrent Users
- Research Methods for Massage and Holistic TherapiesAuthor: Glenn M. Hymel, EdD, LMTPublisher: Glenn M. Hymel, EdD, LMT ©2016ISBN: 9783642296260Unlimited Users
- Research Methods for Memory StudiesAuthor: KeightleyPublisher: Keightley ©2022ISBN: 9780309221177
- Research Methods for PostgraduatesAuthor: Greenfield, Tony;Greener, SuePublisher: Greenfield, Tony;Greener, Sue ©2018ISBN: 9781118341469
- Research Methods for Reading Digital Data in the Digital HumanitiesAuthor: GriffinPublisher: Griffin ©2022ISBN: 9780199549337
- Research Methods for Reading Digital Data in the Digital HumanitiesAuthor: GriffinPublisher: Griffin ©2022ISBN: 9781474409605
- Research Methods for Social Work: A Problem-Based ApproachAuthor: FarmerPublisher: Farmer ©2022ISBN: 9781506345307Unlimited Users
- Research Methods for Students, Academics and ProfessionalsAuthor: Kirsty WilliamsonPublisher: Kirsty Williamson ©2017ISBN: 97836421268261 Concurrent User
- Research Methods for Students, Academics and Professionals : Information Management and SystemsAuthor: Williamson, KirstyPublisher: Williamson, Kirsty ©2018ISBN: 9781876938420
- Research Methods for the Self-study of Practice, vol. 9Author: Strupp, Hans H.Publisher: Strupp, Hans H. ©2016ISBN: 97814020951391 Concurrent User
- Research Methods in a Laboratory Study of Personality, Emotion, and Physiological Activity: Considerations and ChoicesAuthor: BronsonPublisher: Bronson ©2019ISBN: 97894017950435 Concurrent Users
- Research Methods in AccountingAuthor: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2019ISBN: 9781138824768
- Research Methods in Applied Behavior AnalysisAuthor: Bailey, Jon S.;Burch, Mary RPublisher: Bailey, Jon S.;Burch, Mary R ©2018ISBN: 97807619255695 Concurrent Users
- Research Methods in Applied LinguisticsAuthor: KaraPublisher: Kara ©2022ISBN: 9783319163475
- Research Methods in Applied Settings : An Integrated Approach to Design and Analysis, Second EditionAuthor: Gliner, Jeffrey A.;Morgan, George A.;Leech, Nancy L.Publisher: Gliner, Jeffrey A.;Morgan, George A.;Leech, Nancy L. ©2018ISBN: 9780805864342
- Research Methods in Biomineralization Science, vol. 532Author: HargittaiPublisher: Hargittai ©2016ISBN: 9781468475821
- Research Methods in Child WelfareAuthor: BakerPublisher: Baker ©2021ISBN: 9780231141314
- Research Methods in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics : A Practical GuideAuthor: Müller, NicolePublisher: Müller, Nicole ©2022ISBN: 9781444335842
- Research Methods in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics : A Practical GuideAuthor: Müller, Nicole;Ball, Martin J.;Müller, NicolePublisher: Müller, Nicole;Ball, Martin J.;Müller, Nicole ©2018ISBN: 9781444335842
- Research Methods in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics : A Practical GuideAuthor: Müller, NicolePublisher: Müller, Nicole ©2022ISBN: 9781444335842
- Research Methods in Clinical Psychology : An Introduction for Students and PractitionersAuthor: Barker, ChrisPublisher: Barker, Chris ©2018ISBN: 9781118773208
- Research Methods in Counterinsurgency Warfare: Lessons Learned From an Embedded Political ScientistAuthor: ArsenaultPublisher: Arsenault ©2019ISBN: 9783110120462
- Research Methods in EducationAuthor: CheckPublisher: Check ©2019ISBN: 9781412940092
- Research Methods in EducationAuthor: Cohen, Louis;Manion, Lawrence;Morrison, KeithPublisher: Cohen, Louis;Manion, Lawrence;Morrison, Keith ©2019ISBN: 97811382098861 Concurrent User
- Research Methods in EducationAuthor: Cohen, Louis;Manion, Lawrence;Morrison, KeithPublisher: Cohen, Louis;Manion, Lawrence;Morrison, Keith ©2019ISBN: 97811382098861 Concurrent User
- Research Methods in Family TherapyAuthor: Sprenkle, Douglas H.;Piercy, Fred P.Publisher: Sprenkle, Douglas H.;Piercy, Fred P. ©2018ISBN: 9781572309609
- Research Methods in Health Communication : Principles and ApplicationAuthor: Whaley, Bryan B.Publisher: Whaley, Bryan B. ©2018ISBN: 97804155318565 Concurrent Users
- Research Methods in Health PromotionAuthor: Salazar, Laura F.Publisher: Salazar, Laura F. ©2018ISBN: 9781118409060
- Research Methods in Human Computer Interaction, Second editionAuthor: Jonathan Lazar, Jinjuan Feng and Harry HochheiserPublisher: Jonathan Lazar, Jinjuan Feng and Harry Hochheiser ©2017ISBN: 9780190455651
- Research Methods in Human Resource Management: Investigating a Business Issue, Fourth EditionAuthor: Valerie Anderson,Rita Fontinha,Fiona RobsonPublisher: Valerie Anderson,Rita Fontinha,Fiona Robson ©2020ISBN: 9780749498122
- Research Methods in Human Skeletal BiologyAuthor: Elizabeth A. DiGangi and Megan K. MoorePublisher: Elizabeth A. DiGangi and Megan K. Moore ©2017ISBN: 9789401163408
- Research Methods in Human Skeletal BiologyAuthor: DiGangi, D-ABFA;Moore, Megan K.Publisher: DiGangi, D-ABFA;Moore, Megan K. ©2018ISBN: 97801238518955 Concurrent Users
- Research methods in language acquisition: Principles, procedures, and practicesAuthor: Blume, MaríaPublisher: Blume, María ©2017ISBN: 9783110415223
- Research Methods in NeurochemistryAuthor: Philip Sporn and P. HammondPublisher: Philip Sporn and P. Hammond ©2016ISBN: 97814615775911 Concurrent User
- Research Methods in NeurochemistryAuthor: Maruyama, Geoffrey;Deno, StanleyPublisher: Maruyama, Geoffrey;Deno, Stanley ©2016ISBN: 9781461344605
- Research Methods in NeurochemistryAuthor: Sporn, Philip;Hammond, P.Publisher: Sporn, Philip;Hammond, P. ©2016ISBN: 97814615775081 Concurrent User
- Research Methods in NeurochemistryAuthor: KossovskyPublisher: Kossovsky ©2016ISBN: 9781461577539
- Research Methods in NeurochemistryAuthor: Modrak, Vladimir;Semančo, Pavol;Balog, MichalPublisher: Modrak, Vladimir;Semančo, Pavol;Balog, Michal ©2016ISBN: 9781461577560
- Research Methods in NeurochemistryAuthor: Grivas, T. B.Publisher: Grivas, T. B. ©2016ISBN: 9781461577621
- Research Methods in Neurochemistry : Volume 3Author: Marks, Neville;Rodnight, RichardPublisher: Marks, Neville;Rodnight, Richard ©2018ISBN: 9780306360039
- Research Methods in Occupational EpidemiologyAuthor: CheckowayPublisher: Checkoway ©2017ISBN: 9780195092424
- Research Methods in OrthodonticsAuthor: Cowan, DavidPublisher: Cowan, David ©2016ISBN: 9783642313769
- Research Methods in PoliticsAuthor: PiercePublisher: Pierce ©2021ISBN: 9781412935517
- Research Methods in Remote SensingAuthor: BhattaPublisher: Bhatta ©2016ISBN: 9789400765931
- Research Methods in Social RelationsAuthor: Maruyama, GeoffreyPublisher: Maruyama, Geoffrey ©2022ISBN: 9781118764978