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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (10401-10450 of 18124):
- Research in the College Context : Approaches and MethodsAuthor: Stage, Frances K.;Manning, KathleenPublisher: Stage, Frances K.;Manning, Kathleen ©2018ISBN: 9781138824768
- Research in the Life Sciences with Dual Use Potential : An International Faculty Development Project on Education about the Responsible Conduct of ScienceAuthor: Mateo, Magdalena;Foreman, Marquis D.Publisher: Mateo, Magdalena;Foreman, Marquis D. ©2018ISBN: 97803092211775 Concurrent Users
- Research in the Schizophrenic DisordersAuthor: Newell, Robert;Burnard, PhilipPublisher: Newell, Robert;Burnard, Philip ©2016ISBN: 9789401163408
- Research in the Scooby Doo Van: The Search for the Elusive Language Control GroupAuthor: BlackburnPublisher: Blackburn ©2021ISBN: 9780803942080
- Research in Thermochemical Biomass ConversionAuthor: Newell, Robert;Burnard, PhilipPublisher: Newell, Robert;Burnard, Philip ©2016ISBN: 9789401077286
- Research in Transportation Business and ManagementAuthor: BellPublisher: Bell ©2020ISBN: 9780199549337
- Research in Transportation EconomicsAuthor: Maruyama, Geoffrey;Deno, StanleyPublisher: Maruyama, Geoffrey;Deno, Stanley ©2020ISBN: 9780803942080
- Research in Verbal Behavior and Some Neurophysiological ImplicationsAuthor: Philip Sporn and P. HammondPublisher: Philip Sporn and P. Hammond ©2016ISBN: 97801995493371 Concurrent User
- Research in Veterinary ScienceAuthor: Sporn, Philip;Hammond, P.Publisher: Sporn, Philip;Hammond, P. ©2021ISBN: 97800801150921 Concurrent User
- Research in VirologyAuthor: Modrak, Vladimir;Semančo, Pavol;Balog, MichalPublisher: Modrak, Vladimir;Semančo, Pavol;Balog, Michal ©2020ISBN: 9783038353775
- Research Instrumentation for the 21st Century, vol. 11Author: KossovskyPublisher: Kossovsky ©2016ISBN: 9789401077347
- Research Integrity and Research Ethics: Similarities and DifferencesAuthor: HammattPublisher: Hammatt ©2022ISBN: 9781784710613
- Research Integrity in Universities: Why It Is ImportantAuthor: SimpsonPublisher: Simpson ©2022ISBN: 9780803928756
- Research Integrity: A Foundation for Scientific LegitimacyAuthor: GrayPublisher: Gray ©2022ISBN: 9781402081279
- Research Integrity: Different Than but Related to the Scientific MethodAuthor: GrayPublisher: Gray ©2022ISBN: 9783540562375
- Research Integrity: The Perspective of a Research AdministratorAuthor: TarajPublisher: Taraj ©2022ISBN: 9782287483639
- Research Integrity: The Perspective of a Research Funding AgencyAuthor: HineyPublisher: Hiney ©2022ISBN: 9782287287725
- Research into Spinal Deformities 4Author: Grivas, T. B.Publisher: Grivas, T. B. ©2018ISBN: 9781586032890
- Research into Spinal Deformities 5Author: Uyttendaele, D.;Dangerfield, P. H.Publisher: Uyttendaele, D.;Dangerfield, P. H. ©2018ISBN: 9781586036300
- Research into Spinal Deformities 7Author: Aubin, C. -E.;Stokes, I. A. F.;Labelle, H.Publisher: Aubin, C. -E.;Stokes, I. A. F.;Labelle, H. ©2018ISBN: 9781607505723
- Research into Spinal Deformities 8Author: Kotwicki, T.;Grivas, T. B.Publisher: Kotwicki, T.;Grivas, T. B. ©2018ISBN: 9781614990666
- Research Issues in Health and Social CareAuthor: Cowan, DavidPublisher: Cowan, David ©2018ISBN: 9781905539208
- Research Issues in Learning DisabilitiesAuthor: FischerPublisher: Fischer ©2016ISBN: 9781461383475
- Research Issues in Structured and Semistructured Database Programming, vol. 1949Author: McKennaPublisher: McKenna ©2016ISBN: 97835404148102 Concurrent Users
- Research Journeys : A Collection of Narratives of the Doctoral ExperienceAuthor: Lee, Elsa;Seal, Emma;Blackmore, ChloePublisher: Lee, Elsa;Seal, Emma;Blackmore, Chloe ©2018ISBN: 9781443852388
- Research JusticeAuthor: Yarlagadda, Prasad;Kim, Yun HaePublisher: Yarlagadda, Prasad;Kim, Yun Hae ©2023ISBN: 9783038353492
- Research Laboratory SafetyAuthor: KuespertPublisher: Kuespert ©2021ISBN: 9783110444391
- Research Lifecycle: A Look Inside the Pew Research Center, TheAuthor: FunkPublisher: Funk ©2019ISBN: 97814684162515 Concurrent Users
- Research Made Easy in Complementary and Alternative MedicineAuthor: Mark Kane, MA DO ND MBAcCPublisher: Mark Kane, MA DO ND MBAcC ©2016ISBN: 9789460919688
- Research ManagementAuthor: Jan Andersen, Kristel Toom, Susi Poli and Pamela MillerPublisher: Jan Andersen, Kristel Toom, Susi Poli and Pamela Miller ©2017ISBN: 9783319113784
- Research Methodologies in Human Diabetes, Part 1, vol. 1Author: Stewart, C. Neal;Stewart, C. Neal, Jr.Publisher: Stewart, C. Neal;Stewart, C. Neal, Jr. ©2021ISBN: 9783110142488
- Research Methodologies in Human Diabetes, Part 2, vol. 2Author: Hoskins, Carol Noll;Mariano, CarlaPublisher: Hoskins, Carol Noll;Mariano, Carla ©2020ISBN: 9783110145557
- Research Methodologies in Supply Chain ManagementAuthor: LeopoldPublisher: Leopold ©2016ISBN: 97837908158321 Concurrent User
- Research MethodologyAuthor: Kuada, JohnPublisher: Kuada, John ©2018ISBN: 9788759315545
- Research Methodology - Contemporary Practices : Guidelines for Academic ResearchersAuthor: Habib, Md. Mamun;Pathik, Bishwajit Banik;Maryam, Hafsa;Habib, MamunPublisher: Habib, Md. Mamun;Pathik, Bishwajit Banik;Maryam, Hafsa;Habib, Mamun ©2018ISBN: 9781443864619
- Research Methodology in Medical-SciencesAuthor: Chandorkar, A.G.;Nagoba, B.S.Publisher: Chandorkar, A.G.;Nagoba, B.S. ©2018ISBN: 9789350243091
- Research Methodology in the Health Sciences A Quick Reference GuideAuthor: Bhattacharya, Prasanta K.Publisher: Bhattacharya, Prasanta K. ©2024ISBN: 9781260463286
- Research Methodology in the Medical and Biological SciencesAuthor: Laake, Petter;Benestad, Haakon Breien;Olsen, Bjorn R.Publisher: Laake, Petter;Benestad, Haakon Breien;Olsen, Bjorn R. ©2018ISBN: 97801237387451 Concurrent User
- Research Methodology in the Social, Behavioural and Life Sciences: Designs, Models and MethodsAuthor: Richard A. Swanson,Elwood F. Holton III (eds)Publisher: Richard A. Swanson,Elwood F. Holton III (eds) ©2019ISBN: 9780761958840
- Research Methodology: A Guide for Researchers In Agricultural Science, Social Science and Other Related FieldsAuthor: SahuPublisher: Sahu ©2016ISBN: 9788132210191
- Research MethodsAuthor: Castellani, AmletoPublisher: Castellani, Amleto ©2018ISBN: 97814613416281 Concurrent User
- Research Methods and Statistics for Public and Nonprofit Administrators: A Practical GuideAuthor: NishishibaPublisher: Nishishiba ©2019ISBN: 9781452203522
- Research Methods and Statistics: An Integrated ApproachAuthor: WilsonPublisher: Wilson ©2020ISBN: 97814833921412 Concurrent Users
- Research Methods for Anthropological Studies of Food and NutritionAuthor: Quay, Herbert C.Publisher: Quay, Herbert C. ©2022ISBN: 9781468475821
- Research Methods for Clinical and Health PsychologyAuthor: KaraPublisher: Kara ©2019ISBN: 97807619719171 Concurrent User
- Research Methods for Community Change: A Project-Based ApproachAuthor: StoeckerPublisher: Stoecker ©2019ISBN: 9780761928881
- Research Methods for Community Change: A Project-Based ApproachAuthor: StoeckerPublisher: Stoecker ©2019ISBN: 97814129940571 Concurrent User
- Research Methods for Complexity Theory in Applied LinguisticsAuthor: HiverPublisher: Hiver ©2020ISBN: 97817889257475 Concurrent Users
- Research Methods for ConstructionAuthor: Fellows, Richard F.Publisher: Fellows, Richard F. ©2018ISBN: 9781118915745
- Research Methods for Creating and Curating Data in the Digital HumanitiesAuthor: HaylerPublisher: Hayler ©2022ISBN: 97801904556511 Concurrent User