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Showing books starting with the letter U (6451-6500 of 6863):
- Using Python to Collect YouTube Data
- Using Python to Extract Data from Twitter
- Using Q Method to Explore Perspectives of Food Insecurity Among People Living With HIV/AIDS
- Using Q Methodology as a Course Feedback System
- Using Q Methodology in Criminal Justice Studies: Exploring Attitudes Toward the Relationship Between Mental Health and Incarceration
- Using Q Methodology to Explore Scottish Stakeholder Perceptions of What Makes a Care Home Homelike
- Using Qualitative and Grounded Theory Analysis to Explore Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism Strategies in Sub-Sahara Africa
- Using Qualitative and Quantitative Methods to Conduct Research in Parent Education with Immigrant Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis Logic and Tools for Theory Testing and Development in a Medium-n Urban Climate Governance Research
- Using Qualitative Content Analysis to Study Consumer Reports on Adverse Drug Reactions
- Using Qualitative Data Analysis to Examine Facebook Posts About a Public Incidence of Racial Bias
- Using Qualitative Description in Health Research
- Using Qualitative Interview Methods to Understand Health Service Provision for People Who Inject Drugs
- Using Qualitative Methods to Gauge Acceptability of a Proactive Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Provision Program in New Zealand
- Using Qualitative Online Methods to Evaluate Community Responses to COVID-19
- Using Qualitative Research in Advertising: Strategies, Techniques, and Applications
- Using Qualitative Tools to Develop Messages to Motivate African American Men to Engage in Healthier Behavior
- Using Quantitative Insights to Supplement Qualitative Research on the Foundational and Debated Concept of Social Class
- Using Quantitative Methods to Study Welfare State Reforms
- Using Quantitative Research to Inform Mental Health Services for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Who Have Experienced Sexual Abuse
- Using Quasi-Case Studies in Management Consulting: The Mistaken Case of Absenteeism
- Using Queuing Theory in Healthcare Research
- Using R for Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics
- Using R for Digital Soil Mapping
- Using R for Introductory Statistics
- Using R for Statistics
- Using R to Analyze Yelp Data
- Using R to Unlock the Value of Big Data: Big Data Analytics with Oracle R Enterprise and Oracle R Connector for Hadoop
- Using Randomized Controlled Trials to Determine Effect on Depression of Exercise-Based Interventions for Women During Pregnancy
- Using Ratio Analysis: Understanding and Managing Performance Indicators
- Using Rational Performance Tester Version 7
- Using Realist Evaluation to Assess the Effectiveness of a Clinical Skills Building Mentorship Program
- Using REDUCE in High Energy Physics
- Using Reflective Topical Autobiography: Mapping Higher Education Internationalisation
- Using Register Data in the Social Sciences
- Using Relative and Absolute Addressing in Formulas
- Using Remote Communication Technology and Digital Tools to Conduct a Qualitative Interview Study With Forced Migrants: Venezuelan Women’s Access to Healthcare in Peru
- Using Remote Rapid Response Inquiry From the First Days of COVID-19
- Using Remote Sensing in State and Local Government : Information for Management and Decision Making
- Using remote sensing in state and local government: information for management and decision making
- Using Repeated Cross-Sectional Surveys to Measure Trends in Rates of Self-Harm
- Using Research Evidence in Education, vol. 2
- Using Research in the Real World
- Using Research Instruments : A Guide for Researchers
- Using Resource Utilization Methodology for Estimating Cost of Illness: Case Study of Dengue Hospitalization in India
- Using Respondent-Driven Sampling, Entertainment Education, and Social Media to Reduce HIV in the African American Community
- Using Retrospective Data to Study Extreme Contexts: The Case of Impromptu Teams
- Using Rhetorical Analysis With Participant Comics
- Using Robots in Hazardous Environments
- Using Routine Data to Understand Health Inequalities in Under-Represented Groups: Research Case Study on Mortality in Ethnic Minority/Migrant Groups With Mental Disorders