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Showing books starting with the letter U (6601-6650 of 6863):
- Using the IBM Security Framework and IBM Security Blueprint to Realize Business-Driven Security
- Using the IBM System Storage N Series with Databases
- Using the IBM System Storage N Series with Databases
- Using the IF Function for Logical Tests
- Using the Internet for Political Research
- Using the Internet to Strengthen Curriculum
- Using the Linux NFS Client with IBM System Storage N series
- Using the Meade ETX
- Using the Medical Model in Education : Can Pills Make You Clever?
- Using the Medical Research Council Framework for Developing and Evaluating Complex Interventions: Mindfulness-Based Interventions for People With Multiple Sclerosis
- Using the Microgenetic Method to Observe Change in Student Understanding
- Using the Minigroup to Refine the Methodology for a Qualitative Research Project Exploring Parents’ Experiences of Picky Eating
- Using the MMPI-2 in forensic assessment
- Using the Mouse and Pointers
- Using the New Features of Java SE 6
- Using the Results of a National Assessment of Educational Achievement
- Using the RETAIN Neonatal Resuscitation Game to Train and Assess Health Care Professionals’ Competence in an Observational Study Design
- Using the Scopus Database to Examine Open Access Research Publication Practices and Trends in School Psychology
- Using the Senses in Qualitative Interview Research: Practical Strategies
- Using the Socratic Method in Counseling : A Guide to Channeling Inborn Knowledge
- Using the Steel-Vessel Material-Cost Index to Mitigate Shipbuilder Risk
- Using the STL
- Using the STL
- Using the Survey Method to Assess the Socioeconomic Status of Stakeholder Households Living Within the Project Zone for the Lower Zambezi REDD+ Project
- Using the Telephone to Interview Professionals: Understanding the Use of Models in Environmental Policy
- Using the Theory of Change to Support an Evaluation of a Health Promotion Intervention
- Using the TI-84 Plus, Second Edition
- Using the Twitter Academic API With R for Social Science Research
- Using the Weibull Distribution : Reliability, Modeling, and Inference
- Using Their Brains in Science : Ideas for Children Aged 5 To 14
- Using Thematic Analysis in Social Work Research: Barriers to Recruitment and Issues of Confidentiality
- Using Thematic Analysis to Analyse In-Depth Semi-Structured Interviews: Tensions Between Values of Traditional and Consumerist Cultures
- Using Thematic Analysis to Explore Online Patient Conversations About Bariatric Surgery: Strengths, Limitations, and Ethical Considerations
- Using Thematic Analysis to Research the Consequences of Adolescent Cyberbullying
- Using Theory in Qualitative Research: Understanding Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation of Task Shifting in a University Hospital
- Using Theory of Change as Both Theory and Method in Educational Research
- Using Thin Slices to Investigate Impression Formation and to Measure Interpersonal Behavior From Recorded Social Interactions
- Using Think-Aloud Interviews and Cognitive Labs in Educational Research
- Using Think-Alouds to Create a Better Measure of Biology Reasoning
- Using Thinking Skills in the Primary Classroom
- Using ThinkVantage Technologies: Creating and Deploying Client Systems, Volume 1
- Using ThinkVantage Technologies: Maintaining and Recovering Client Systems, Volume 2
- Using ThinkVantage Technologies: Volume 1 Creating and Deploying Client Systems
- Using Time Series to Analyze Long-Range Fractal Patterns, vol. 185
- Using Toolpack Software Tools
- Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development: Shaping the Future of Your Enterprise
- Using Twitter and Applied Artificial Intelligence for Natural Disaster Relief
- Using Twitter for Online Research: Part 1
- Using Twitter for Online Research: Part 2
- Using Twitter in Social Science Research