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Showing books starting with the letter U (6701-6750 of 6863):
- Utamakura, Allusion, and Intertextuality in Traditional Japanese Poetry
- Uterine and Embryonic Factors in Early Pregnancy
- Uterine Cancer
- Uterine Cancer
- Uterine Fibroids : The Complete Guide
- Uterine Myoma, Myomectomy and Minimally Invasive Treatments
- Uterine Pathology
- Uterine Sarkome und Mischtumoren
- Uterus, The
- Uterusfehlbildungen
- Uterusfehlbildungen
- Utilising the Repertory Grid in Organisational Research: Exploring Managers' Implicit Theories of Authentic Leadership
- Utilitarianism
- Utilities Policy
- Utility
- Utility and Production
- Utility and Production
- Utility Computing, vol. 3278
- Utility Management for Water and Wastewater Operators
- Utility Maximization in Nonconvex Wireless Systems, vol. 5
- Utility Maximization, Choice and Preference
- Utility Maximization, Choice and Preference, vol. 16
- Utility of Proximity-Based Herbicide Exposure Assessment in Epidemiologic Studies of Vietnam Veterans, The
- Utility of Replication: Exploring the Impact of Corporatism and Consensualism With Multiple Models, Methods, and Operationalizations, The
- Utility, Probability, and Human Decision Making, vol. 11
- Utilization Management in the Clinical Laboratory and Other Ancillary Services
- Utilization of Accelerator Based Real Time Methods in Investigation of Materials with High Technological Importance
- Utilization of Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Guidelines
- Utilization of By-Products and Treatment of Waste in the Food Industry, vol. 3
- Utilization of Fish Waste
- Utilization of Mammalian Specific Locus Studies in Hazard Evaluation and Estimation of Genetic Risk, vol. 28
- Utilization of Nutrients During Postnatal Development
- Utilization of Operational Environmental Satellite Data : Ensuring Readiness for 2010 and Beyond
- Utilization of operational environmental satellite data: ensuring readiness for 2010 and beyond
- Utilization of Residual Forest Biomass
- Utilization of Slag in Civil Infrastructure Construction, The
- Utilization of Space
- Utilization of Thermal Potential of Abandoned Wells
- Utilization, Misuse and Development of Human Resources in the Early West Indian Colonies
- Utilization-Focused Evaluation: Determining the Effectiveness of an Early Childhood Intervention in Tamil Nadu, India
- Utilizing a Concurrent Nested Design for Strengthening Mixed Methods Research
- Utilizing a Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Study Design in Nutrition Research: Describing a Clinical Trial of Protected Mealtimes
- Utilizing Cross-Sectional Study Design, Multi-Site Sampling, and Multiple Data Collection Platforms to Investigate the Influence of Paternal Involvement on Female Reproductive Strategies
- Utilizing Data Linkage Method Within a Conventional Tuberculosis Cohort Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges in Evaluating Treatment Outcomes of Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients Using Japan’s Tuberculosis Surveillance Data
- Utilizing Key Informant Interviews to Inform Program Implementation
- Utilizing Microfluidics in the Food Industry
- Utilizing Microfluidics in the Food Industry
- Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning : A Local Search Approach
- Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning, vol. 2854
- Utilizing Survey Research and Multilevel Modeling to Explore the Relationship Between Institutional Rank and Student Engagement