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Showing books starting with the letter I (9201-9250 of 21422):
- Innovation, Science, Environment 1987-2007
- Innovation, Science, Environment 1987-2007 : Special Edition: Charting Sustainable Development in Canada, 1987-2007
- Innovation, The
- Innovation, Transformation, and War
- Innovation, Transformation, and War
- Innovation: How Innovators Think, Act and Change Our World
- Innovation: Myths and Mythstakes
- Innovationen für die Pflege
- Innovationen in Bautenfarben
- Innovationen in der Nanomedizin
- Innovationen in der Nanomedizin
- Innovations and Advanced Techniques in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering
- Innovations and Advances in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering
- Innovations and Advances in Computer, Information, Systems Sciences, and Engineering, vol. 152
- Innovations and Advances in Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences, Networking and Engineering, vol. 313
- Innovations and Advances in Wound Healing
- Innovations and Emerging Technologies in Wound Care
- Innovations and New Developments in Craniomaxillofacial Reconstruction
- Innovations and the Environment
- Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa
- Innovations at the Interface of Primary and Specialty Care
- Innovations for our Future, vol. 13
- Innovations for Requirement Analysis. From Stakeholders' Needs to Formal Designs, vol. 5320
- Innovations for Shape Analysis
- Innovations for Sustainable Building Design and Refurbishment in Scotland
- Innovations for Sustainable Building Design and Refurbishment in Scotland : The Outputs of CIC Start Online Project
- Innovations in 3D Geo Information Systems
- Innovations in 3D Geo-Information Sciences
- Innovations in Abdominal Ultrasound
- Innovations in Adolescent Substance Abuse Interventions
- Innovations in Agent-Based Complex Automated Negotiations, vol. 319
- Innovations in Antiviral Development and the Detection of Virus Infections, vol. 312
- Innovations in Applied Artificial Intelligence : 17th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2004, Ottawa, Canada, May 17-20, 2004. Proceedings
- Innovations in Applied Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3029
- Innovations in Applied Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3533
- Innovations in Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction in the Digital Era
- Innovations in Bayesian Networks, vol. 156
- Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications, vol. 237
- Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, vol. 424
- Innovations in Career and Technical Education: Strategic Approaches Towards Workforce Competencies Around the Globe
- Innovations in Chemical Biology
- Innovations in Classification, Data Science, and Information Systems
- Innovations in Collaborative Urban Regeneration, vol. 6
- Innovations in Competitive Manufacturing
- Innovations in Competitive Manufacturing
- Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering : Proceedings of the Fourth ICICSE 2016
- Innovations in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering
- Innovations in Defence Support Systems - 2, vol. 338
- Innovations in Defence Support Systems – 1, vol. 304