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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (9001-9050 of 21422):
- Innovation and Technology Transfer for the Growing FirmAuthor: Julian Lowe and Nick CrawfordPublisher: Julian Lowe and Nick Crawford ©2016ISBN: 9780199568901
- Innovation and Technology — Strategies and PoliciesAuthor: Luis Perez-BrevaPublisher: Luis Perez-Breva ©2016ISBN: 9780792344353
- Innovation and the Arms RaceAuthor: EvangelistaPublisher: Evangelista ©2021ISBN: 97811185870411 Concurrent User
- Innovation and the Social EconomyAuthor: BouchardPublisher: Bouchard ©2020ISBN: 9783110665116
- Innovation and the StateAuthor: BreznitzPublisher: Breznitz ©2020ISBN: 97817863031721 Concurrent User
- Innovation and Tradition at the University of Pennsylvania School of MedicineAuthor: IIIPublisher: III ©2021ISBN: 9780774813433
- Innovation and transfer of U.S. Air Force manufacturing technology: three case studiesAuthor: Assembly of Engineering (U.S.). Committee on Computer-Aided Manufacturing.Publisher: Assembly of Engineering (U.S.). Committee on Computer-Aided Manufacturing. ©2016ISBN: 97836580500475 Concurrent Users
- Innovation Approach To Random Fields, An: Application Of White Noise TheoryAuthor: Takeyuki Hida;Si SiPublisher: Takeyuki Hida;Si Si ©2018ISBN: 9789812380951Unlimited Users
- Innovation at Work: 55 Activities to Spark Your Team’s CreativityAuthor: Richard BryntesonPublisher: Richard Brynteson ©2019ISBN: 9780814432341Unlimited Users
- Innovation Blind Spot: Why We Back the Wrong Ideas--and What to Do About It, TheAuthor: Ross BairdPublisher: Ross Baird ©2020ISBN: 9781681688589Unlimited Users
- Innovation Butterfly, TheAuthor: Anderson Jr.Publisher: Anderson Jr. ©2016ISBN: 9781461431305
- Innovation By DesignAuthor: ChakravarthyPublisher: Chakravarthy ©2016ISBN: 9788132209003Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Innovation by Design : Lessons from Post Box Design and DevelopmentAuthor: Chakravarthy, B. K.;Krishnamoorthi, JanakiPublisher: Chakravarthy, B. K.;Krishnamoorthi, Janaki ©2018ISBN: 9788132209003
- Innovation By Design: How Any Organization Can Leverage Design Thinking to Produce Change, Drive New Ideas, and Deliver Meaningful SolutionsAuthor: Thomas Lockwood,Edgar PapkePublisher: Thomas Lockwood,Edgar Papke ©2020ISBN: 9781501978098
- Innovation by Design: What It Takes to Keep Your Company on the Cutting EdgeAuthor: Gerard H. GaynorPublisher: Gerard H. Gaynor ©2019ISBN: 9780814406960
- Innovation Capital: How to Compete - and Win - Like the World's Most Innovative LeadersAuthor: Jeff Dyer,Nathan Furr,Curtis LefrandtPublisher: Jeff Dyer,Nathan Furr,Curtis Lefrandt ©2021ISBN: 9781469082165
- Innovation CellAuthor: WördenweberPublisher: Wördenweber ©2016ISBN: 9783540235590
- Innovation Clusters and Interregional CompetitionAuthor: Chadwick, Derek J.;Goode, Jamie A.Publisher: Chadwick, Derek J.;Goode, Jamie A. ©2016ISBN: 9783642056772
- Innovation Code: The Creative Power of Constructive Conflict, TheAuthor: Jeff DeGraff,Staney DeGraffPublisher: Jeff DeGraff,Staney DeGraff ©2019ISBN: 9781523084760
- Innovation Code: The Creative Power of Constructive Conflict, TheAuthor: Jeff DeGraff,Jeff DeGraffPublisher: Jeff DeGraff,Jeff DeGraff ©2020ISBN: 9781523084807
- Innovation CommunitiesAuthor: MartiPublisher: Marti ©2016ISBN: 9783642221279
- Innovation DesignAuthor: den OudenPublisher: den Ouden ©2016ISBN: 97814471226781 Concurrent User
- Innovation Development for Highly Energy-Efficient Housing : Opportunities and Challenges Related to the Adoption of Passive HousesAuthor: Mlecnik, E.Publisher: Mlecnik, E. ©2018ISBN: 9781614992356
- Innovation Diffusion and Political Control of Energy TechnologiesAuthor: WeberPublisher: Weber ©2016ISBN: 9783790812053
- Innovation Dynamics and Policy in the Energy SectorAuthor: Milton HollowayPublisher: Milton Holloway ©2021ISBN: 9783110106220
- Innovation EconomicsAuthor: EzellPublisher: Ezell ©2020ISBN: 9783110110074
- Innovation Engine: Driving Execution for Breakthrough ResultsAuthor: Jatin DesaiPublisher: Jatin Desai ©2019ISBN: 97811183550395 Concurrent Users
- Innovation EquityAuthor: OfekPublisher: Ofek ©2020ISBN: 9781461478003
- Innovation for Energy EfficiencyAuthor: GieserPublisher: Gieser ©2016ISBN: 9783642108228
- Innovation for Engineers : Developing Creative and Entrepreneurial SuccessAuthor: Mehregany, MehranPublisher: Mehregany, Mehran ©2018ISBN: 9783319665283
- Innovation for Media Content Creation: Tools and Strategies for Delivering Successful ContentAuthor: Marlon QuinteroPublisher: Marlon Quintero ©2019ISBN: 9781604271041
- Innovation for Social Change: How Wildly Successful Nonprofits Inspire and Deliver ResultsAuthor: Leah KralPublisher: Leah Kral ©2023ISBN: 9781119987468
- Innovation for Sustainability : African and European PerspectivesAuthor: Muchie, Mammo;Baskaran, AngathevarPublisher: Muchie, Mammo;Baskaran, Angathevar ©2018ISBN: 97807983034601 Concurrent User
- Innovation for Sustainable Aviation in a Global Environment : Proceedings of the Sixth European Aeronautics DaysAuthor: Knörzer, D.;Szodruch, J.Publisher: Knörzer, D.;Szodruch, J. ©2018ISBN: 9781614990628
- Innovation for Sustainable Electricity SystemsAuthor: PraetoriusPublisher: Praetorius ©2016ISBN: 9783790820751
- Innovation for the Fatigued: How to Build a Culture of Deep CreativityAuthor: Alf RehnPublisher: Alf Rehn ©2019ISBN: 9780749498009
- Innovation for the Fatigued: How to Build a Culture of Deep CreativityAuthor: Alf RehnPublisher: Alf Rehn ©2020ISBN: 9781789661316
- Innovation for Value and MissionAuthor: van BiljonPublisher: van Biljon ©2022ISBN: 9783110711035
- Innovation Formula: The 14 Science-Based Keys for Creating a Culture Where Innovation Thrives, TheAuthor: Amantha ImberPublisher: Amantha Imber ©2019ISBN: 9780730326663
- Innovation from Information SystemsAuthor: DupouetPublisher: Dupouet ©2016ISBN: 9783642328756
- Innovation Game, TheAuthor: CorrePublisher: Corre ©2016ISBN: 9780387237947
- Innovation Handbook: How to Profit from Your Ideas, Intellectual Property and Market Knowledge, Third Edition, TheAuthor: Adam Jolly (ed)Publisher: Adam Jolly (ed) ©2019ISBN: 9780749465339
- Innovation Happens ElsewhereAuthor: Ron Goldman and Richard P. GabrielPublisher: Ron Goldman and Richard P. Gabriel ©2016ISBN: 97817863020382 Concurrent Users
- Innovation Illusion, TheAuthor: ErixonPublisher: Erixon ©2020ISBN: 9780300217407
- Innovation in a High Technology B2B ContextAuthor: MöhringPublisher: Möhring ©2016ISBN: 9783658057206
- Innovation in a Reinvented World: 10 Essential Elements to Succeed in the New World of BusinessAuthor: Dee McCroreyPublisher: Dee McCrorey ©2019ISBN: 9781118027356
- Innovation in Action : A Practical Guide for Healthcare TeamsAuthor: Endsley, D. ScottPublisher: Endsley, D. Scott ©2018ISBN: 9781444330571
- Innovation in AeronauticsAuthor: Kimberly Watson-Hemphill,Kristine Nissen BradleyPublisher: Kimberly Watson-Hemphill,Kristine Nissen Bradley ©2018ISBN: 97833190482461 Concurrent User
- Innovation in AnesthesiologyAuthor: Peris-Ortiz, Marta;Garrigós-Simón, Fernando J.;Gil Pechuán, IgnacioPublisher: Peris-Ortiz, Marta;Garrigós-Simón, Fernando J.;Gil Pechuán, Ignacio ©2024ISBN: 9783319048246
- Innovation in AnesthesiologyAuthor: Peris-Ortiz, Marta;Garrigós-Simón, Fernando J.;Gil Pechuán, IgnacioPublisher: Peris-Ortiz, Marta;Garrigós-Simón, Fernando J.;Gil Pechuán, Ignacio ©2024ISBN: 9783319048246