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Showing books starting with the letter I (8951-9000 of 21422):
- Innovating: A Doer's Manifesto for Starting from a Hunch, Prototyping Problems, Scaling Up, and Learning to Be Productively Wrong
- Innovating: A Doer’s Manifesto for Starting from a Hunch, Prototyping Problems, Scaling Up, and Learning to Be Productively Wrong, Illustrated Edition
- Innovation
- Innovation + equality
- Innovation - Konvention
- Innovation : A Very Short Introduction
- Innovation : Essentials from Leader to Leader
- Innovation Acceptance
- Innovation Algorithm: TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity, The
- Innovation and Agility in the Digital Age: Africa, the World's Laboratories of Tomorrow
- Innovation and Application of Engineering Technology : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Technology and Application , May 25-28, 2017, Montreal, Canada
- Innovation and Collaboration in the Digital Era: The Role of Emotional Intelligence for Innovation Leadership and Collaborative Innovation
- Innovation and Creativity in SMEs: Challenges, Evolutions and Prospects, Volume 21
- Innovation and Disruption at the Grid's Edge : How Distributed Energy Resources Are Disrupting the Utility Business Model
- Innovation and Efficiency
- Innovation and Empire in Turkey : Sultan Selim III and the Modernisation of the Ottoman Navy
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Innovation and Firm Performance, vol. 38
- Innovation and Future of Enterprise Information Systems, vol. 4
- Innovation and Future Trends in Food Manufacturing and Supply Chain Technologies
- Innovation and Future Trends in Food Manufacturing and Supply Chain Technologies
- Innovation and Green Development
- Innovation and Growth in Corporate Restructurings
- Innovation and Imagination at Work, 2nd Edition
- Innovation and Incentives
- Innovation and Inequality
- Innovation and International Corporate Growth
- Innovation and Internationalisation: Successful SMEs' Ventures into China
- Innovation and Invention in Medical Devices : Workshop Summary
- Innovation and invention in medical devices: workshop summary
- Innovation and Its Discontents
- Innovation and Management
- Innovation and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry, vol. 20
- Innovation and Ontologies
- Innovation and Product Management: A Holistic and Practical Approach to Uncertainty Reduction
- Innovation and Production Ecosystems
- Innovation and Public Policy
- Innovation and Regional Development
- Innovation and Regional Growth in the European Union
- Innovation and Scaling for Impact
- Innovation and Social Process
- Innovation and Society
- Innovation and Structural Change in Post-Socialist Countries: A Quantitative Approach, vol. 20
- Innovation and Sustainable Development, vol. 6
- Innovation and Sustainable Manufacturing: Research and Development
- Innovation and Teaching Technologies
- Innovation and Teaching Technologies : New Directions in Research, Practice and Policy
- Innovation and Technology in Korea
- Innovation and Technology of Women's Intimate Apparel