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Showing books starting with the letter I (9051-9100 of 21422):
- Innovation in Clinical Trial Methodologies
- Innovation in Cultural Systems
- Innovation in Cultural Systems : Contributions from Evolutionary Anthropology
- Innovation in der BauwirtschaftInnovation in the Building Industry
- Innovation in Electric Arc Furnaces
- Innovation in Electric Arc Furnaces
- Innovation in Environmental Leadership: Critical Perspectives
- Innovation in Esophageal Surgery
- Innovation in European Freight Transportation
- Innovation in Forestry : Territorial and Value Chain Relationships
- Innovation in global industries: U.S. firms competing in a new world : collected studies
- Innovation in Health Informatics
- Innovation in Human Resource Management: Tooling Up for the Talent Wars
- Innovation in information technology
- Innovation in Kulturorganisationen
- Innovation in Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Development
- Innovation in Manufacturing Networks, vol. 266
- Innovation in Materials Science
- Innovation in Materials Science II
- Innovation in Medical Technology : Ethical Issues and Challenges
- Innovation in Nano-Polysaccharides for Eco-sustainability
- Innovation in Nano-Polysaccharides for Eco-sustainability
- Innovation in Near-Surface Geophysics
- Innovation in Product Design
- Innovation in Production, vol. 8
- Innovation in Public Libraries
- Innovation in Religions Traditions
- Innovation in Strategic Philanthropy
- Innovation In The Biopharmaceutical Industry
- Innovation in the High-Tech Economy
- Innovation in the Science Curriculum
- Innovation in Transcribing Data: Meet
- Innovation in Vaccinology
- Innovation in Wind Turbine Design
- Innovation in Zeolite Materials Science
- Innovation in Zeolite Materials Science, Proceedings of an International Symposium, vol. 37
- Innovation Inducement Prizes at the National Science Foundation
- Innovation Interactions between Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, vol. 11
- Innovation is a State of Mind: Simple strategies to be more innovative in what you do
- Innovation is Everybody's Business: How to Ignite, Scale, and Sustain Innovation for Competitive Edge
- Innovation is Everybody's Business: How to Make Yourself Indispensable in Today's Hypercompetitive World
- Innovation Journey, The
- Innovation Killer: How What We Know Limits What We Can Imagine . . .and What Smart Companies Are Doing About It, The
- Innovation Law and Policy in the European Union
- Innovation Leaders
- Innovation Leaders: How Senior Executives Stimulate, Steer and Sustain Innovation
- Innovation Leadership
- Innovation Management
- Innovation Management by Promoting the Informal
- Innovation Management for Technical Products