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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (9151-9200 of 21422):
- Innovation Systems in the Service Economy, vol. 18Author: Yang, Yu Hang;Ma, YanPublisher: Yang, Yu Hang;Ma, Yan ©2016ISBN: 97814613699295 Concurrent Users
- Innovation TechnologyAuthor: SchrammPublisher: Schramm ©2019ISBN: 9783110438246
- Innovation the Cleveland Clinic Way: Powering Transformation by Putting Ideas to WorkAuthor: Thomas J. GrahamPublisher: Thomas J. Graham ©2020ISBN: 9781259642807Unlimited Users
- Innovation the Cleveland Clinic Way: Powering Transformation by Putting Ideas to WorkAuthor: Thomas J. GrahamPublisher: Thomas J. Graham ©2020ISBN: 9781259582950Unlimited Users
- Innovation the NASA Way: Harnessing the Power of Your Organization for Breakthrough SuccessAuthor: Rod PylePublisher: Rod Pyle ©2019ISBN: 9780071829137Unlimited Users
- Innovation Through CooperationAuthor: WeiersPublisher: Weiers ©2016ISBN: 9783319000947
- Innovation through FusionAuthor: MeadowsPublisher: Meadows ©2020ISBN: 9781547417766Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Innovation through Knowledge Transfer 2010, vol. 9Author: KudicPublisher: Kudic ©2016ISBN: 9783642205071
- Innovation through Knowledge Transfer 2012, vol. 18Author: WördenweberPublisher: Wördenweber ©2016ISBN: 9783642342189
- Innovation through Knowledge Transfer, vol. 5Author: PlankenhornPublisher: Plankenhorn ©2016ISBN: 9783642145933
- Innovation Tournament Handbook, TheAuthor: Jatin DesaiPublisher: Jatin Desai ©2023ISBN: 9783642013522
- Innovation Tournament Handbook, TheAuthor: TerwieschPublisher: Terwiesch ©2023ISBN: 9783834914477
- Innovation TrainingAuthor: Ruth Ann Hattori,Joyce WycoffPublisher: Ruth Ann Hattori,Joyce Wycoff ©2019ISBN: 9781562863661
- Innovation Ultimatum: How Six Strategic Technologies Will Reshape Every Business in the 2020s, TheAuthor: Steve BrownPublisher: Steve Brown ©2021ISBN: 9781119615422
- Innovation Ultimatum: How Six Strategic Technologies Will Reshape Every Business in the 2020s, TheAuthor: Steve BrownPublisher: Steve Brown ©2020ISBN: 97814690814581 Concurrent User
- Innovation und KooperationAuthor: MangerPublisher: Manger ©2021ISBN: 9780470637968
- Innovation und OriginalitätAuthor: RöttmerPublisher: Röttmer ©2019ISBN: 9783484155091
- Innovation und ParadigmaAuthor: PeinePublisher: Peine ©2021ISBN: 9780387799759
- Innovation und Paradigma : Epistemische Stile in InnovationsprozessenAuthor: Peine, AlexanderPublisher: Peine, Alexander ©2018ISBN: 9783899424584
- Innovation und ReformAuthor: Nicholas J. WebbPublisher: Nicholas J. Webb ©2020ISBN: 9783828203532
- Innovation und WissenschaftAuthor: DupouetPublisher: Dupouet ©2022ISBN: 9783112530818Unlimited Users
- Innovation Was Not Enough: A History Of The Midwestern Universities Research AssociationAuthor: Andrew Sessler;Frederick E Mills;Lawrence Jones;Keith R Symon;Donald YoungPublisher: Andrew Sessler;Frederick E Mills;Lawrence Jones;Keith R Symon;Donald Young ©2018ISBN: 97898128328325 Concurrent Users
- Innovation with Information Technologies in HealthcareAuthor: Mehregany, MehranPublisher: Mehregany, Mehran ©2016ISBN: 9781447143260
- Innovation without R and DAuthor: SomPublisher: Som ©2016ISBN: 9783834934918
- Innovation X: Why a Company's Toughest Problems Are Its Greatest AdvantageAuthor: Adam RichardsonPublisher: Adam Richardson ©2019ISBN: 9780470482193
- Innovation Zone: How Great Companies Re-Innovate For Amazing Success, TheAuthor: Thomas M. KoulopoulosPublisher: Thomas M. Koulopoulos ©2019ISBN: 97808910623491 Concurrent User
- Innovation, Creativity and Law, vol. 12Author: KingstonPublisher: Kingston ©2016ISBN: 9789401066891
- Innovation, Dual Use, and Security : Managing the Risks of Emerging Biological and Chemical TechnologiesAuthor: Tucker, Jonathan B.;Danzig, Richard;Knowles, Lori P.;Epstein, Gerald L.;Jefferson, Catherine;Lentzos, Filippa;Silver, Pamela;Kelle, Alexander;Dando, Malcolm R.;Trapp, RalfPublisher: Tucker, Jonathan B.;Danzig, Richard;Knowles, Lori P.;Epstein, Gerald L.;Jefferson, Catherine;Lentzos, Filippa;Silver, Pamela;Kelle, Alexander;Dando, Malcolm R.;Trapp, Ralf ©2018ISBN: 97802620171761 Concurrent User
- Innovation, Employment and Growth Policy Issues in the EU and the USAuthor: PraetoriusPublisher: Praetorius ©2016ISBN: 9783642006302
- Innovation, Employment, and Firm Performance in the German Service Sector, vol. 16Author: KaiserPublisher: Kaiser ©2016ISBN: 9783790814811
- Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Economy in the US, China, and IndiaAuthor: Rajiv Shah, Zhijie Gao and Harini MittalPublisher: Rajiv Shah, Zhijie Gao and Harini Mittal ©2016ISBN: 9781461356790
- Innovation, Finance, and the Economy, vol. 1Author: RicciardiPublisher: Ricciardi ©2016ISBN: 9783319158792
- Innovation, Global Change and Territorial ResilienceAuthor: Cooke, Philip;Parrilli, Mario Davide;Curbelo, José LuisPublisher: Cooke, Philip;Parrilli, Mario Davide;Curbelo, José Luis ©2018ISBN: 9780857935748
- Innovation, Growth and CompetitivenessAuthor: George S. DayPublisher: George S. Day ©2016ISBN: 97836421496412 Concurrent Users
- Innovation, Human Capital and Trade CompetitivenessAuthor: GranieriPublisher: Granieri ©2016ISBN: 9783319020716
- Innovation, Incentive and RewardAuthor: MacQueenPublisher: MacQueen ©2022ISBN: 9783834917553
- Innovation, Inclusion, and Integration : From Transition to Convergence in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet UnionAuthor: Mitra, PradeepPublisher: Mitra, Pradeep ©2018ISBN: 9780821375389
- Innovation, Industrial Dynamics and Structural TransformationAuthor: Endsley, D. ScottPublisher: Endsley, D. Scott ©2016ISBN: 9783540494645
- Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Economic GrowthAuthor: RogersPublisher: Rogers ©2020ISBN: 97814614154731 Concurrent User
- Innovation, Learning, and Technological Dynamism of Developing CountriesAuthor: Mani, Sunil;Romijn, Henny;Romijn, HennyPublisher: Mani, Sunil;Romijn, Henny;Romijn, Henny ©2018ISBN: 9789280810974
- Innovation, Market Archetypes and OutcomeAuthor: SarkarPublisher: Sarkar ©2016ISBN: 9783790819458
- Innovation, Networks and LocalitiesAuthor: StreckerPublisher: Strecker ©2016ISBN: 9783642636318
- Innovation, Networks and LocalitiesAuthor: Fischer, Manfred M.;Suarez-Villa, Luis;Steiner, MichaelPublisher: Fischer, Manfred M.;Suarez-Villa, Luis;Steiner, Michael ©2018ISBN: 9783642636318
- Innovation, Networks, and Knowledge SpilloversAuthor: FischerPublisher: Fischer ©2016ISBN: 97835403598071 Concurrent User
- Innovation, Product Development and Commercialization: Case Studies and Key Practices for Market LeadershipAuthor: Dariush RafinejadPublisher: Dariush Rafinejad ©2019ISBN: 9781932159707
- Innovation, Resources and Economic GrowthAuthor: Yang, Yu Hang;Ma, YanPublisher: Yang, Yu Hang;Ma, Yan ©2016ISBN: 97836427885741 Concurrent User
- Innovation, Science, Environment 06/07Author: DoernPublisher: Doern ©2023ISBN: 97814613699295 Concurrent Users
- Innovation, Science, Environment 06/07 : Canadian Policies and Performance, 2006-2007Author: Doern, G. BrucePublisher: Doern, G. Bruce ©2018ISBN: 9780773530621Unlimited Users
- Innovation, Science, Environment 07/08Author: DoernPublisher: Doern ©2023ISBN: 9781259642807Unlimited Users
- Innovation, Science, Environment 08/09Author: TonerPublisher: Toner ©2023ISBN: 9780071829137Unlimited Users