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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (15201-15250 of 33609):
- Political Thought of Frederick Douglass, TheAuthor: BuccolaPublisher: Buccola ©2021ISBN: 9781474424066
- Political Thought of Jacques Rancière, TheAuthor: MayPublisher: May ©2022ISBN: 9780231172448Unlimited Users
- Political Thought of Jacques Rancière, TheAuthor: MayPublisher: May ©2022ISBN: 9780748635320
- Political Thought of Lord DurhamAuthor: AjzenstatPublisher: Ajzenstat ©2023ISBN: 9780262072731
- Political Thought of Pierre-Joseph ProudhonAuthor: RitterPublisher: Ritter ©2021ISBN: 97802319396211 Concurrent User
- Political Thought of Sir Henry Vane, the Younger, TheAuthor: JudsonPublisher: Judson ©2021ISBN: 97890279777005 Concurrent Users
- Political Thought of Woodrow Wilson, 1875-1910, TheAuthor: ThorsenPublisher: Thorsen ©2020ISBN: 97814613804502 Concurrent Users
- Political Tourism and its TextsAuthor: MoynaghPublisher: Moynagh ©2021ISBN: 9781461357223
- Political Tradition of the West, TheAuthor: WatkinsPublisher: Watkins ©2021ISBN: 9780674437388
- Political TurbulenceAuthor: MargettsPublisher: Margetts ©2021ISBN: 9781474404273
- Political Turn in Analytic Philosophy, TheAuthor: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2022ISBN: 9783110604870
- Political Unconscious, TheAuthor: JamesonPublisher: Jameson ©2020ISBN: 9783642295898
- Political Unrest in Upper Canada, 1815-1836Author: DunhamPublisher: Dunham ©2023ISBN: 97802710104582 Concurrent Users
- Political Uses of UtopiaAuthor: KejaPublisher: Keja ©2021ISBN: 9783110675269
- Political Violence and TerrorAuthor: StevensPublisher: Stevens ©2020ISBN: 9780520328037
- Political Violence and Trauma in ArgentinaAuthor: RobbenPublisher: Robben ©2021ISBN: 9781402085758
- Political Violence in Ancient IndiaAuthor: SinghPublisher: Singh ©2020ISBN: 9783319015071
- Political Violence in the Muslim Provinces of Southern ThailandAuthor: ThomasPublisher: Thomas ©2020ISBN: 97802311724481 Concurrent User
- Political Violence Under the SwastikaAuthor: MerklPublisher: Merkl ©2020ISBN: 9789462092266
- Political Vision of the Divine Comedy, TheAuthor: FerrantePublisher: Ferrante ©2021ISBN: 9789027978219
- Political Will and Personal BeliefAuthor: HollanderPublisher: Hollander ©2020ISBN: 9781107000438
- Political Women in JapanAuthor: PharrPublisher: Pharr ©2020ISBN: 9783642195181
- Political Worlds of Slavery and Freedom, TheAuthor: HahnPublisher: Hahn ©2021ISBN: 9780415932004
- Political Writings, 1953-1993Author: BlanchotPublisher: Blanchot ©2022ISBN: 9781402058486Unlimited Users
- Political Writings, TheAuthor: LeonPublisher: Leon ©2020ISBN: 9780791489604Unlimited Users
- Political Writings, TheAuthor: MarshallPublisher: Marshall ©2020ISBN: 9780252075971Unlimited Users
- Political, Economic and Financial Country RiskAuthor: RamadyPublisher: Ramady ©2016ISBN: 9783319021768
- PolíticasAuthor: AmesPublisher: Ames ©2021ISBN: 9783658086145
- Políticas poéticasAuthor: KubyPublisher: Kuby ©2020ISBN: 9780231923620
- Políticas y estrategias de la críticaAuthor: CohenPublisher: Cohen ©2022ISBN: 9781607413813
- Politician's DilemmaAuthor: GeddesPublisher: Geddes ©2020ISBN: 9780520207622
- Politicians and PoachersAuthor: Gibson, Clark C.;Calvert, Randall;Eggertsson, ThrainnPublisher: Gibson, Clark C.;Calvert, Randall;Eggertsson, Thrainn ©2018ISBN: 97805216238581 Concurrent User
- Politicians and Politics in Latin AmericaAuthor: Alcántara SáezPublisher: Alcántara Sáez ©2022ISBN: 97817809394211 Concurrent User
- Politicising parenthood in ScandinaviaAuthor: PampPublisher: Pamp ©2023ISBN: 9783658086145
- Politicising parenthood in ScandinaviaAuthor: BorgidaPublisher: Borgida ©2023ISBN: 9780195335453
- Politicization of Parenthood, The, vol. 5Author: BorgidaPublisher: Borgida ©2016ISBN: 9789400729711
- Politicization of Safety, TheAuthor: KinnvallPublisher: Kinnvall ©2020ISBN: 9781479805648
- Politicized Market Economy, TheAuthor: BarzelayPublisher: Barzelay ©2020ISBN: 9780520322653
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- Politicizing Science : The Alchemy of PolicymakingAuthor: Gough, MichaelPublisher: Gough, Michael ©2018ISBN: 9780817939328
- Politicking and Emergent MediaAuthor: MusserPublisher: Musser ©2020ISBN: 9780262220842
- PoliticsAuthor: J. R. ThackrahPublisher: J. R. Thackrah ©2016ISBN: 97815558757251 Concurrent User
- Politics Across the HudsonAuthor: PlotchPublisher: Plotch ©2020ISBN: 9789048148189
- Politics Across the Hudson : The Tappan Zee MegaprojectAuthor: Plotch, Philip MarkPublisher: Plotch, Philip Mark ©2018ISBN: 97808135724991 Concurrent User
- Politics after ViolenceAuthor: EpsteinPublisher: Epstein ©2021ISBN: 9780897896900
- Politics against DominationAuthor: ShapiroPublisher: Shapiro ©2021ISBN: 97802319397061 Concurrent User
- Politics against MarketsAuthor: Esping-AndersenPublisher: Esping-Andersen ©2021ISBN: 97814613561411 Concurrent User
- Politics and Change in a Traditional SocietyAuthor: HarikPublisher: Harik ©2021ISBN: 97806741878705 Concurrent Users
- Politics and Cultural Nativism in 1970s TaiwanAuthor: HsiauPublisher: Hsiau ©2022ISBN: 9781108940542