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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (15301-15350 of 33609):
- Politics and ReligionAuthor: El-MerhebPublisher: El-Merheb ©2016ISBN: 9781474479646
- Politics and Religion in Seventeenth-Century FranceAuthor: StankiewiczPublisher: Stankiewicz ©2020ISBN: 9781487581206
- Politics and Religion in Seventeenth-Century FranceAuthor: StankiewiczPublisher: Stankiewicz ©2021ISBN: 9780387733715
- Politics and RemembranceAuthor: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2021ISBN: 9780813572499
- Politics and Social ChangeAuthor: BaileyPublisher: Bailey ©2020ISBN: 9781474424066
- Politics and Social Forces in Chilean DevelopmentAuthor: PetrasPublisher: Petras ©2020ISBN: 9780520306721
- Politics and Society in Contemporary AfricaAuthor: ChazanPublisher: Chazan ©2023ISBN: 9781555872830
- Politics and Society in Contemporary AfricaAuthor: ChazanPublisher: Chazan ©2023ISBN: 9781555876685
- Politics and Society in Contemporary ChinaAuthor: LarusPublisher: Larus ©2022ISBN: 9781588268006
- Politics and Society in Contemporary ChinaAuthor: LarusPublisher: Larus ©2022ISBN: 9783319112237
- Politics and Society in Ottoman PalestineAuthor: DivinePublisher: Divine ©2023ISBN: 97815558747352 Concurrent Users
- Politics and Society in the Contemporary Middle EastAuthor: HarikPublisher: Harik ©2022ISBN: 97806741878705 Concurrent Users
- Politics and Statecraft in the Kingdom of Greece, 1833-1843Author: PetropulosPublisher: Petropulos ©2021ISBN: 9781108940542
- Politics and StrategyAuthor: TrubowitzPublisher: Trubowitz ©2020ISBN: 97806745925205 Concurrent Users
- Politics and SymbolsAuthor: KertzerPublisher: Kertzer ©2020ISBN: 9784431551263
- Politics and the British Novel in the 1970sAuthor: PerkinPublisher: Perkin ©2023ISBN: 9780520328037
- Politics and the English Country House, 1688–1800Author: PharrPublisher: Pharr ©2023ISBN: 9783642195181
- Politics and the EnvironmentAuthor: Smith, Graham;Connelly, JamesPublisher: Smith, Graham;Connelly, James ©2018ISBN: 9780415150682
- Politics and the Environment : Risk and the Role of Government and IndustryAuthor: Howes, Michael;University, Griffith;AustraliaPublisher: Howes, Michael;University, Griffith;Australia ©2018ISBN: 9781844072125
- Politics and the ImaginationAuthor: GeussPublisher: Geuss ©2020ISBN: 97805216238581 Concurrent User
- Politics and the Limits of LawAuthor: LorberbaumPublisher: Lorberbaum ©2022ISBN: 9780674437388
- Politics and the Limits of LawAuthor: LorberbaumPublisher: Lorberbaum ©2022ISBN: 9780195335453
- Politics and the MediaAuthor: BorgidaPublisher: Borgida ©2016ISBN: 9789400729711
- Politics and the Passions, 1500-1850Author: TreuePublisher: Treue ©2020ISBN: 9789401038300
- Politics and the PeopleAuthor: PetriePublisher: Petrie ©2023ISBN: 9781474456982
- Politics and the PressAuthor: BarzelayPublisher: Barzelay ©2023ISBN: 9781555876708
- Politics and TheaterAuthor: KroenPublisher: Kroen ©2020ISBN: 9783110604870
- Politics and Urban Growth in Santiago, Chile, 1891-1941Author: WalterPublisher: Walter ©2022ISBN: 9780262072731
- Politics and Urban Growth in Santiago, Chile, 1891-1941Author: WalterPublisher: Walter ©2022ISBN: 97808047498241 Concurrent User
- Politics and VisionAuthor: WolinPublisher: Wolin ©2020ISBN: 9780817939328
- Politics as a Moral ProblemAuthor: KisPublisher: Kis ©2022ISBN: 9783531181202
- Politics as if Women MatteredAuthor: VickersPublisher: Vickers ©2020ISBN: 97808020675791 Concurrent User
- Politics as Radical CreationAuthor: HolmanPublisher: Holman ©2021ISBN: 9783319015071
- Politics as Rational Action, vol. 23Author: Plotch, Philip MarkPublisher: Plotch, Philip Mark ©2016ISBN: 97894009895735 Concurrent Users
- Politics as ReligionAuthor: GentilePublisher: Gentile ©2021ISBN: 9789462092266
- Politics As Symbolic ActionAuthor: Murray EdelmanPublisher: Murray Edelman ©2016ISBN: 97808135724991 Concurrent User
- Politics as UsualAuthor: NunnPublisher: Nunn ©2021ISBN: 9780387096179
- Politics at Work: How Companies Turn Their Workers into LobbyistsAuthor: Alexander Hertel-FernandezPublisher: Alexander Hertel-Fernandez ©2020ISBN: 9781541445925Unlimited Users
- Politics Beyond the CapitalAuthor: HahnPublisher: Hahn ©2020ISBN: 9783642633638
- Politics by Principle, Not Interest: Towards Nondiscriminatory DemocracyAuthor: BuchananPublisher: Buchanan ©2018ISBN: 9780521621878Unlimited Users
- Politics for EverybodyAuthor: O'GormanPublisher: O'Gorman ©2021ISBN: 9780226665023Unlimited Users
- Politics for Social WorkersAuthor: PimparePublisher: Pimpare ©2022ISBN: 9780791489604Unlimited Users
- Politics in Black and WhiteAuthor: SonensheinPublisher: Sonenshein ©2020ISBN: 9780813152561
- Politics in BritainAuthor: LeysPublisher: Leys ©2020ISBN: 9783319021768
- Politics in Commercial SocietyAuthor: HontPublisher: Hont ©2021ISBN: 9780674967700
- Politics in CongoAuthor: YoungPublisher: Young ©2021ISBN: 9780231923620
- Politics in Contemporary PortugalAuthor: MagonePublisher: Magone ©2022ISBN: 97816263702581 Concurrent User
- Politics in Contemporary PortugalAuthor: BruneauPublisher: Bruneau ©2023ISBN: 9780931477683
- Politics in Contemporary PortugalAuthor: MagonePublisher: Magone ©2022ISBN: 9780817939328
- Politics in Developing CountriesAuthor: KatzmanPublisher: Katzman ©2023ISBN: 9781555872120