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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (15351-15400 of 33609):
- Politics in Developing CountriesAuthor: Rein, MonicaPublisher: Rein, Monica ©2023ISBN: 97815558754113 Consecutive User Seats
- Politics in East AsiaAuthor: LimPublisher: Lim ©2022ISBN: 97816263705171 Concurrent User
- Politics in East AsiaAuthor: LimPublisher: Lim ©2022ISBN: 9780817939328
- Politics in English Romantic PoetryAuthor: WoodringPublisher: Woodring ©2021ISBN: 97806744345235 Concurrent Users
- Politics in Francophone AfricaAuthor: Le VinePublisher: Le Vine ©2022ISBN: 97806744297031 Concurrent User
- Politics in NewfoundlandAuthor: NoelPublisher: Noel ©2020ISBN: 9781487578886
- Politics in North AmericaAuthor: GrindlePublisher: Grindle ©2020ISBN: 97801953354531 Concurrent User
- Politics in RhodesiaAuthor: BowmanPublisher: Bowman ©2021ISBN: 9780674188457
- Politics in Sierra Leone 1947-1967Author: CartwrightPublisher: Cartwright ©2020ISBN: 9780199747542
- Politics in Socrates' AlcibiadesAuthor: ArchiePublisher: Archie ©2016ISBN: 9783319152684
- Politics in Software Development: Navigating Stakeholder Power and Conflict in OrganizationsAuthor: Peter WendorffPublisher: Peter Wendorff ©2022ISBN: 9781484273791
- Politics in South AsiaAuthor: WickhamsmithPublisher: Wickhamsmith ©2016ISBN: 97833190908635 Concurrent Users
- Politics in Southern AfricaAuthor: TaylorPublisher: Taylor ©2022ISBN: 9789048148189
- Politics in the AltiplanoAuthor: DewPublisher: Dew ©2021ISBN: 9780387733715
- Politics in the Corridor of Dying : AIDS Activism and Global Health GovernanceAuthor: Chan, JenniferPublisher: Chan, Jennifer ©2018ISBN: 9781421415970
- Politics in the New Hard TimesAuthor: BaileyPublisher: Bailey ©2020ISBN: 9780813572499
- Politics in TimeAuthor: PiersonPublisher: Pierson ©2020ISBN: 9780897896900
- Politics in WarAuthor: GoodmanPublisher: Goodman ©2021ISBN: 9780674492110
- Politics in ZambiaAuthor: AmesPublisher: Ames ©2020ISBN: 97802261099615 Concurrent Users
- Politics is for PeopleAuthor: WilliamsPublisher: Williams ©2021ISBN: 9780674593909
- Politics of Abortion in Latin America, TheAuthor: Marcus-DelgadoPublisher: Marcus-Delgado ©2022ISBN: 9781108940542
- Politics of Accommodation, TheAuthor: LijphartPublisher: Lijphart ©2021ISBN: 9780520317666
- Politics of Accomodation, TheAuthor: KassimPublisher: Kassim ©2020ISBN: 9784431551263
- Politics of Addiction : Medical Conflict and Drug Dependence in England since The 1960s, TheAuthor: Mars, S.Publisher: Mars, S. ©2018ISBN: 9780230221383
- Politics of Adoption, TheAuthor: PerreauPublisher: Perreau ©2021ISBN: 9780262027229
- Politics of Aesthetics, TheAuthor: RedfieldPublisher: Redfield ©2022ISBN: 97818440721255 Concurrent Users
- Politics of Affective Societies, TheAuthor: ZikPublisher: Zik ©2020ISBN: 97814613804502 Concurrent Users
- Politics of African and Middle Eastern States, TheAuthor: Anne Gordon Drabek and Wilfrid KnappPublisher: Anne Gordon Drabek and Wilfrid Knapp ©2016ISBN: 97815882608401 Concurrent User
- Politics of Agricultural Policy-making in Canada, TheAuthor: SkogstadPublisher: Skogstad ©2020ISBN: 97814875853031 Concurrent User
- Politics of AIDs in Africa, TheAuthor: TreuePublisher: Treue ©2022ISBN: 9789401038300
- Politics of Ailment, TheAuthor: OlakiviPublisher: Olakivi ©2023ISBN: 9781468459210
- Politics of Air Pollution : Urban Growth, Ecological Modernization, and Symbolic Inclusion, TheAuthor: Gonzalez, George A.Publisher: Gonzalez, George A. ©2018ISBN: 9780791463352
- Politics of Airport Expansion in the United Kingdom : Hegemony, Policy and the Rhetoric of 'sustainable Aviation', TheAuthor: Griggs, Steven;Howarth, DavidPublisher: Griggs, Steven;Howarth, David ©2018ISBN: 9780719076138
- Politics of American Foreign Policy, TheAuthor: GriesPublisher: Gries ©2021ISBN: 9783531181202
- Politics of Anthropology, TheAuthor: PetrasPublisher: Petras ©2020ISBN: 9789027977502
- Politics of Anti-Racism Education: In Search of Strategies for Transformative Learning, vol. 27Author: ChazanPublisher: Chazan ©2016ISBN: 9789400776265
- Politics of Anti-Westernism in Asia, TheAuthor: AydinPublisher: Aydin ©2021ISBN: 9780231137782
- Politics of Apoliticism, TheAuthor: HerbstPublisher: Herbst ©2019ISBN: 9783110607215
- Politics of Arab Authenticity, TheAuthor: AgbariaPublisher: Agbaria ©2022ISBN: 9780387096179
- Politics of Arabic in Israel, TheAuthor: SuleimanPublisher: Suleiman ©2022ISBN: 9781541445925
- Politics of Architecture, TheAuthor: JacksonPublisher: Jackson ©2020ISBN: 9783642633638
- Politics of Armenian Migration to North America, 1885-1915, TheAuthor: GutmanPublisher: Gutman ©2022ISBN: 9780521621878Unlimited Users
- Politics of Art, TheAuthor: ToukanPublisher: Toukan ©2021ISBN: 97818918531355 Concurrent Users
- Politics of Art, TheAuthor: ToukanPublisher: Toukan ©2021ISBN: 97815558747352 Concurrent Users
- Politics of Association in Hellenistic Rhodes, TheAuthor: ThomsenPublisher: Thomsen ©2022ISBN: 9781474452557
- Politics of Association in Hellenistic Rhodes, TheAuthor: ThomsenPublisher: Thomsen ©2022ISBN: 9789048131662
- Politics of Authenticity, TheAuthor: SonensheinPublisher: Sonenshein ©2022ISBN: 9780813152561
- Politics of Authoritarian Rule, TheAuthor: SvolikPublisher: Svolik ©2018ISBN: 9781107024793
- politics of autocracy, TheAuthor: AlexanderPublisher: Alexander ©2019ISBN: 9783111208503
- Politics of Backwardness in Hungary, 1825-1945, TheAuthor: JanosPublisher: Janos ©2020ISBN: 9780415150682